Chapter 15: Frat parties brat parties

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Sophia walked through the quad, her shoes clicking softly against the pavement as she dodged clusters of students on their way to their Friday night plans. She was on her way back from a late class when Graham spotted her, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey, Sophia!" Graham called out, jogging to catch up to her. His messy hair and easy smile made him look every bit the friendly "geek" everyone knew him to be.

Sophia turned, offering a small smile. "Hey, Graham. What's up?"

"Not much," he shrugged, but his grin widened. "I'm throwing a little party at my place tonight. Figured you might wanna come by."

Sophia hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by the invite. Parties weren't exactly her scene, but Graham had always been kind to her. "I might," she said thoughtfully. "I'll check with Emma first. We've been looking for something fun to do tonight."

"Great!" Graham looked genuinely pleased. "You should bring her and whoever else you want. It'll be chill, I promise."

Sophia nodded. "Alright. I'll see you later, then."

As Graham wandered off, Sophia quickly sent Emma a text. Graham's having a flat party tonight. Wanna go? Emma's response was almost immediate: Hell yes! Let's do it!

Back at the dorm room, Sophia and Emma were getting ready, their space filled with laughter and excitement. Tara had arrived earlier, invited by Emma, and the three of them were busy swapping outfits and opinions.

"You guys, I seriously have nothing to wear," Tara groaned dramatically, tossing a sequined top onto Sophia's bed.

Sophia chuckled, holding up a black crop top she'd been debating. "What about this?"

Emma glanced over, her eyes lighting up. "That's perfect, Sophia. You'll look hot!"

Sophia blushed slightly but smiled. "Alright, then. What about you, Tara?"

Tara finally settled on a shimmery dress that hugged her figure. She turned around, her eyes bright. "Okay, how do I look?"

Emma and Sophia exchanged a glance before breaking into wide grins. "Hot," Emma confirmed, adjusting her own outfit. "Like, ridiculously hot."

Tara laughed, her confidence bolstered by their approval. "Thanks, guys. I guess we're all looking good tonight."

Sophia glanced at the mirror one last time, smoothing her hair nervously. "Let's just hope this party isn't a total disaster."

Emma slung an arm around Sophia's shoulder. "Oh, please. With us there? We'll own it."

The trio stepped into the frat house, immediately hit by the pulsing bass of the music that shook the walls. The air was thick with the smell of sweat, cheap beer, and the distinct haze of something burning in the kitchen. People packed every corner, bodies swaying to the beat, shouting conversations over the blaring music.

Sophia looked around, trying to take it all in. The living room was a sea of faces, a chaotic blend of sweaty dancers and groups huddled around plastic cups. The room was dimly lit, with colored lights flashing erratically from an old DJ setup in the corner.

Sophia's eyes quickly found Bianca and her entourage. They were easy to spot-dressed in tight, barely-there outfits that sparkled under the strobe lights, their laughter cutting through the noise. Bianca stood at the center, her blonde hair perfectly curled, lips painted a bold red. She caught sight of Sophia and narrowed her eyes, her expression shifting to a sly, almost predatory smirk.

Sophia's stomach tightened. She glanced away, feeling the weight of Bianca's gaze linger like a threat. Emma, noticing the tension, nudged her. "Don't worry about them," she whispered. "They're just here to show off. Let's have fun."

Sophia nodded, trying to shake off the unease. Just then, Emma spotted Marcus and Ethan across the room. She waved them over, and they made their way through the crowd, greeting the girls with warm smiles.

"Hey, girls!" Marcus grinned, giving Emma a quick hug. "Looking good tonight."

"Thanks," Emma beamed. "Glad you guys made it."

"Of course," Ethan said, his eyes flicking over their outfits appreciatively. "You all look amazing. Drinks?"

"Please!" Tara laughed, clearly in her element.

As the boys headed off to grab drinks, Graham appeared, weaving through the crowd with a smile. "Hey, thanks for coming, Sophia! And you brought Emma and... Tara?"

Tara smiled but looked slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, Emma invited me. Hope that's okay."

"More than okay," Graham said, his smile widening. "Actually, it's great. I didn't think you liked parties, Tara."

The group exchanged confused glances. Sophia raised an eyebrow. "Wait, you two know each other?"

Graham chuckled, draping an arm over Tara's shoulder. "She's my girlfriend. Didn't she tell you?"

Sophia and Emma blinked, stunned. Tara, flustered, shook her head. "It just never came up, I guess. I'm not really one for parties, usually."

"Well, I'm glad you came," Graham said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for bringing her, guys. It means a lot."

Sophia and Emma exchanged a surprised look but smiled. "No problem," Emma said lightly, though the confusion lingered. Graham led Tara away, leaving Sophia and Emma to process the new information.

"Who would've thought?" Emma whispered, leaning close to Sophia. "Graham and Tara. That's... unexpected."

Sophia shrugged, trying to shake off the lingering awkwardness. "I guess we all have our secrets."

Marcus reappeared with drinks in hand, interrupting their thoughts. "Sorry, Matteo couldn't make it," he said, handing Sophia a cup. "He's been really focused on his semester and some personal stuff."

Sophia nodded, taking a sip. "Yeah, that sounds like him."

Emma nudged her gently. "Let's not think too much. It's a party, right?"

Sophia smiled, taking in the room again. Despite the chaotic noise and the crowd, she felt a sense of comfort being surrounded by friends, even with the occasional sharp glance from Bianca's direction. Whatever tensions or secrets lay beneath the surface, for now, the night was theirs.

"Let's enjoy it," Sophia agreed, linking her arm with Emma's as they headed further into the party.

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