Chapter 37 : Unexpected News

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I walked into my English Lit class, feeling that warm, comforting buzz of contentment. Life was finally on track, and as I took my seat, I couldn’t help but smile, thinking about how far I’d come. From those awkward first days at Columbia to now, having a solid group of friends and a relationship with Matteo—it felt like everything was falling into place.

I found myself daydreaming about introducing Matteo to my parents, picturing how they’d see the kind and wonderful person I loved. And despite the rocky start with his mom, I was determined to prove to her that I was the right choice for him. Matteo had promised that after the tournament, he’d talk to his mom and officially introduce me, and I clung to that promise. For the first time, it felt like everything was going right.

Class was going smoothly, until Graham walked in. He had a wide smile on his face, but something about it seemed off. I waved, deciding not to dwell on it. Graham had been a good friend lately, especially after apologizing for the Bianca party drama. I’d chosen to let it go and treat him like any other friend. But as the lecture continued, I couldn’t shake the odd feeling in the air around him. I pushed it aside, trying to focus on Victorian literature.

After class, Graham and I hung back, chatting about life. He mentioned things were going well with Tara, and I couldn’t resist encouraging him to bring her along to our outings. I missed her energy during our dance practices. “We miss her. It’s not the same without her,” I said with a smile, reminiscing about the fun we all had during Freshers’ Week. Graham explained that Tara was busy with an upcoming dance tournament, but he promised to pass along the invite.

As we were about to part ways, Graham hesitated, looking like he wanted to say more. “Hey, Sophia, can we talk? It’s important,” he said, leading me to a quieter spot. My nerves prickled with unease. Something felt off about Graham’s demeanor, but I brushed it off, assuming it was just typical college stuff.

“What’s up?” I asked, trying to keep things light, but the serious look on Graham’s face made my stomach tighten.

“I don’t mean to pry,” Graham started, lowering his voice. “But… are you and Matteo serious? Like, really serious?”

I frowned, caught off guard. “Why do you care, Graham? You’ve never been this interested in my love life.”

He sighed, looking conflicted. “Look, Bianca’s my cousin. I tolerate her because she’s family, but it’s more than that. She told me that she and Matteo were practically engaged before you came along. That you were the reason they split.”

I blinked, stunned. I knew Matteo had history with Bianca, but I never thought it was that deep. “Matteo told me he and Bianca weren’t happy together. She was always demanding, and he felt suffocated. I’ve seen how he was with her and how he is with me. It’s different.”

Graham nodded, but I could see doubt flickering in his eyes. “Do you really know Matteo, though? I mean, really know him?”

A flash of irritation surged through me. “Yes, Graham. Matteo’s been nothing but good to me.”

Graham’s gaze hardened. “Has he told you about his past? How he was into drugs, sleeping around, and messing with people’s feelings? He wasn’t exactly a saint, Sophia. And now, Bianca’s parents and Matteo’s parents are talking about getting them engaged.”

My heart sank, and my mind raced. I wanted to believe Matteo, to trust what we’d built. “Graham, that’s in the past. Matteo isn’t like that anymore. And if this is true, I’ll talk to him. I trust Matteo, not rumors.”

Graham hesitated again, his voice firm as he continued. “I overheard Bianca’s mom talking about the engagement. This isn’t just a rumor, Sophia. It’s real, and you’re going to see it for yourself.”

I felt my breath hitch, my world spinning around me. I couldn’t stay in that room for another second, my mind a chaotic mess of confusion and hurt. I bolted out of the corridor, rushing to my dorm, my hands shaking as I tried to call Matteo. No answer. Of course, he was busy with the tournament, and Marcus and Emma were out of town too. I desperately wanted to hear Matteo’s side, but Graham’s words gnawed at me, making me question everything.

Later that evening, my phone buzzed with a notification from the university forum. I clicked on it, my heart sinking as I read the gossip section: “After much deliberation, the date for Bianca and Matteo’s engagement is set in stone!” I stared at the screen, the words blurring as tears welled up in my eyes. The entire campus was buzzing with excitement over their supposed reunion, and I felt like the ground had been ripped out from under me.

It was too much. I had believed in Matteo, in our plans for the future, and now I was left in the dark with nothing but doubt and betrayal. All around me, it felt like the world was celebrating while I was falling apart.

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