Chapter 17 : Shadows of the past haunt us

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I could feel my heart racing as Emma’s worried gaze met mine. The atmosphere at the party had shifted from celebratory to tense in a heartbeat, and I was the center of it. Marcus, standing off to the side, looked as confused as I felt.

Bianca’s voice cut through the growing tension as she introduced Derek Kane with a casual tone that did nothing to mask the seriousness of the situation. “This is Derek Kane,” she said, her voice too upbeat for the moment. “He’s a quarterback for the rival team, but don’t worry, he’s really a nice guy. Just here to say hi to a few friends.” But her attempt at downplaying Derek’s presence was futile; his attention was entirely focused on me.

Before I could even react, Derek was walking towards me. Panic surged through me, and I turned to flee, leaving my purse behind in my haste. Derek caught up with me outside, his grip on my hand firm and unyielding. “We need to talk,” he said, his voice cold and insistent. “There’s unfinished business between us.”

I felt a rush of fear and desperation. “There’s nothing to talk about. Stay away from me and my family. I’ve started a new life here, and you have no right to intrude.” My voice trembled as I tried to convey the depth of my need to distance myself from him.

Derek’s response was unwavering. “I have every right to confront you. You owe me.” His words struck me with a chilling certainty. As my friends arrived, their confusion was evident—they could only catch bits of our exchange. Emma, her worry for me palpable, stepped in. “Derek, let her go. Leave her alone,” she demanded, her voice filled with urgency.

Derek hesitated but eventually released his grip. “Fine, but I’m staying here for a week. I’ll find you, and we’ll settle this. You can’t run from it.”

A wave of fear washed over me as I realized the potential consequences. I was terrified of what Derek might reveal or how it could affect my new life and relationships. My mind raced with panic, and I felt as though everything I had worked to build was crumbling.

Emma approached me, her concern clear. “You should go home, Sophia. You need to calm down.”

“No, I—I can’t go home alone right now,” I replied, my voice shaking. The idea of being alone with my thoughts was unbearable.

Ethan stepped forward, his voice calm and reassuring. “I’ll take her home. She shouldn’t be alone right now.”

Relief washed over me at Ethan’s offer. “Yes, that would be fine. Thank you.” I felt a small measure of comfort knowing I wouldn’t be alone.

The car ride was suffused with silence, the hum of the engine the only sound breaking the stillness. I stared out the window, my emotions a chaotic storm inside me. Every memory of Derek’s confrontation replayed in my mind, and my fear of what he might do next gnawed at me. Tears streamed silently down my face as I tried to steady my breathing.

Ethan’s quiet presence was a small solace. Occasionally, he glanced at me in the rearview mirror, but he gave me the space I needed. The silence in the car felt heavy, each moment stretching out as I battled my fears and exhaustion.

When we finally arrived at the dorm, I hesitated before stepping out of the car. Turning to Ethan, I whispered, “I… I think I need to talk about this tomorrow. It’s too much right now.”

Ethan nodded, his understanding evident. “Okay, take your time. I’ll be here if you need anything.”

As I entered my dorm room, I felt a mix of relief and lingering dread. Locking the door behind me, I collapsed onto my bed, my mind swirling with worries and fears. Despite my exhaustion, sleep wouldn’t come. I cried for what felt like hours, my emotions a tangled mess. Finally, worn out from the night’s turmoil, I drifted into a restless sleep, knowing that tomorrow would bring its own challenges.

Flashback 2 years ago

I remember that day as if it were etched in my mind with the sharpness of a blade. It was a rare moment of peace in our lives—Mia, Derek's younger sister, was sitting at the kitchen table, her tiny hands gripping crayons as she colored with unrestrained joy. The sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm, golden hue over everything, making the world seem right and safe.

The knock on the door shattered was surprising as I didnt know Derek was expecting someone. I wiped my hands on a towel and went to answer it, expecting nothing more than an ordinary visitor. Instead, I found a man I didn’t recognize, looking disheveled and frantic. “Hi,” he said, his voice laced with anxiety, “I’m a friend of Derek’s, my name is Logan. I know this is unusual, but I really need to use your phone.”

I hesitated for just a moment. I had no reason to doubt him, no inkling of the danger he represented. “Sure, come in, but let me call Dwrek first to inform him that you are here.” I said, trying to sound reassuring. I led him into the living room, unaware of the storm that was about to descend upon us.

The moment I turned to head back to Mia, something shifted in the man’s demeanor. Without warning, he lunged at me with a ferocity that was terrifying. The heavy blow to my head came so suddenly that I barely had time to react. I crumpled to the floor, pain and disorientation engulfing me. Through the haze of agony, I heard Mia’s frightened voice calling for me.

In my blurred vision, I saw the man’s cold, determined eyes as he continued his rampage. Mia, innocent and curious, had followed the commotion into the living room. She looked up at the man with confusion and fear, her little face so trusting, so vulnerable. The man’s rage turned on her with brutal efficiency. I tried to crawl towards her, my limbs unresponsive and my vision dimming, but it was too late. The horrifying thud of the impact was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

When I woke up, the sterile whiteness of the hospital room was a stark contrast to the warmth I’d felt earlier that day. The pain in my head was a dull, persistent ache, but it was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. The faces of the doctors and nurses were blurred by my tears, but their somber expressions made the gravity of the situation painfully clear. Mia was gone. Derek’s younger sister, the sweet, cheerful child who had brought so much light into our lives, had been taken from us.

The days that followed were a blur of grief and confusion. The connection between the man who had caused this tragedy and Derek was revealed gradually. Derek, devastated by the loss of Mia, was consumed by his own grief. He cut off all contact with me without explanation. The sudden abandonment was a cruel blow, adding to the unbearable weight of guilt I felt.

His mother, too, was overwhelmed by despair, sinking into a deep depression that seemed to absorb all the light from their once vibrant home. I was left to grapple with the fallout alone. The community, unable to understand the complexities of the situation, turned against me. I was blamed for Mia’s death, my presence as a tragic coincidence that had led to her demise.

The transition from school to homeschooling was a painful one. The cruel whispers and bullying from classmates followed me everywhere, each taunt a reminder of the heavy accusations that hung over me. I was isolated, my only solace coming from the brief moments when I could shut out the world and remember Mia for who she was—a loving, joyful sister who had been stolen from us.

Graduation came eventually, but it felt hollow. The years that followed were a time of reflection and healing. I took a gap year, trying to put some distance between myself and the agonizing memories that haunted me. It was only after this period of deep introspection that I found the courage to start anew. Enrolling in Columbia College was my attempt at a fresh beginning, a chance to rebuild a life that had been irrevocably changed.

Every day since has been a struggle to reconcile with the past and move forward. The pain of that day remains a constant companion, but I hold onto the hope that by confronting it and forging a new path, I might one day find some semblance of peace.

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