Chapter 18 : Drama replay

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I was lounging on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through my phone, the frat party I missed still lingering in the back of my mind. The apartment was too quiet, a stark contrast to the noise and energy I imagined at the party. I was trying to push away the feeling that I’d missed something important when the door opened, and Marcus and Ethan walked in, looking troubled.

They started talking in hushed tones, and I could tell from their expressions that something was off.

“I can’t believe Bianca crossed those lines,” Marcus said, frustration all over his face.

“Sophia’s really hurting. It’s hard to see her like this,” Ethan added, clearly upset.

I couldn’t ignore it any longer. “What’s going on? Why are you two so upset?”

They turned to look at me, Ethan’s face still tense. “Bianca’s actions at the party were way out of line. She’s been making things really hard for Sophia, and it’s getting to her.”

I felt my confusion grow. “What happened? Why is Sophia in pain?”

Marcus glanced at Ethan before answering, almost like he was checking if it was okay to spill the details. “Bianca introduced some guy to Sophia at the party. It didn’t sit well with anyone, especially Ethan. He’s been angry about it since.”

Ethan’s expression hardened. “That guy was Derek—Sophia’s ex. Seeing him messed her up, and Bianca did it on purpose.”

I was taken aback. “Wait, who the hell is Derek? And why is he showing up now?”

Ethan’s glare shifted to me, sharper than I expected. “Maybe you should ask your bitch about that.”

I felt my temper flare. “Don’t call Bianca that. She’s my ex, and you know it.”

Ethan shook his head, looking at me like I was missing the obvious. “I can’t believe you’re still defending her after everything. Are you seriously on her side after she dragged Derek back into Sophia’s life just to stir things up?”

I clenched my fists, trying to keep my voice steady. “I’m not taking her side, Ethan. But that doesn’t mean you get to call her names. This isn’t about sides—Sophia’s the one who’s hurting, and that’s what matters.”

Ethan stepped closer, his voice rising. “You just don’t get it, do you? Bianca’s making everything worse for Sophia, and you’re letting it slide because you’re hung up on your ex!”

The argument escalated quickly, tension thick in the room. Marcus stepped in, raising his hands like he was trying to separate us. “Guys, stop it. This isn’t helping anyone. We’ve got a tournament coming up, and we need to stay focused. Fighting over this won’t solve anything.”

Ethan shot me another glare, frustration written all over his face. “You need to figure out where you stand, Mateo. Sophia’s going through enough without this extra drama.”

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the anger bubbling inside me. “I’ll talk to Bianca and sort this out. But that doesn’t mean I’m siding with her over Sophia. I care about Sophia, too.”

We all fell silent after that, the weight of everything hanging heavy in the room. I knew I had to confront Bianca and get some answers. But looking at Ethan’s reaction, it was clear that my friendship with him was on thin ice. With the tournament just around the corner, the last thing we needed was more conflict. But I couldn’t ignore what was happening with Sophia—and I wasn’t going to stand by without doing something about it.

As soon as Marcus and Ethan left, I knew what I had to do. I couldn’t just sit around anymore. I grabbed my jacket and headed straight to Bianca’s dorm. My mind was racing, and the anger simmering inside me only grew as I replayed what Ethan had said. When I reached her door, I didn’t bother knocking. I barged in, my voice sharp with frustration. “What the hell is going on, Bianca?”

Bianca jumped, clearly not expecting me. But what really caught me off guard was Graham sitting on her bed, looking as uncomfortable as I felt. My eyes darted between the two of them, confusion twisting in my gut. “What the hell is Sophia’s friend doing here?”

Bianca looked pale, her usual confidence nowhere to be seen. “I didn’t mean to do anything to Sophia, okay? I swear I didn’t know Derek would hurt her like that.”

“Bullshit,” I snapped, stepping closer, my anger boiling over. “You and I? We’re done. But if you mess with Sophia again, you’ll have to deal with me.”

Bianca’s eyes flickered with something like fear. “Why do you even care about her, Mateo? What’s Sophia to you?”

“That’s none of your business,” I shot back, my voice firm, though my heart was pounding.

Bianca’s expression shifted, almost like she was trying to piece things together. “It’s not about Ethan, is it? It’s about you. You have feelings for Sophia, don’t you?”

My jaw tightened, and I shook my head. “It’s Ethan who likes her, not me.”

She raised an eyebrow, skepticism all over her face. “Are you sure about that? Because you seem a little too angry for someone who’s just looking out for a friend.”

Her words struck a nerve, and for a moment, I didn’t know what to say. She was wrong—I didn’t like Sophia, did I? Everything felt more tangled now. But I couldn’t let Bianca see me falter. “You crossed a line, Bianca,” I warned, shifting my attention to Graham. “And you—what are you even doing here?”

Graham stood up, his expression serious. “I’m here to tell Bianca the same thing. What she did at the party was wrong. She shouldn’t have brought Derek into it.”

Bianca quickly turned to Graham, her tone apologetic. “I’m sorry, Graham. I didn’t think it through. I just... I thought it would be different.”

I watched Bianca apologize, and a mix of surprise and distrust filled me. This didn’t feel right—Bianca apologizing that easily? But I couldn’t stick around to figure it out. I had said what I needed to say. “This is your last warning, Bianca,” I said firmly before turning and heading out.

As I left the room, my thoughts were a mess. I needed to find Sophia, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that things were about to get even more complicated.

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