Chapter 16: Making Her Pay

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I stood with Emma, Marcus, and Ethan in a corner of the crowded frat house, trying to ignore the knot in her stomach that had tightened ever since Bianca had appeared with her entourage. The music thumped loudly, making conversation nearly impossible, but the group managed to share laughs and shout over the noise. Across the room, Bianca’s group stood like a picture-perfect clique—glamorous, confident, and just a bit too smug.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, breaking her out of her thoughts. I glanced down at the screen: an unknown number. I let it ring, shoving the phone back into her pocket, but then it buzzed again, and again. By the fourth time, I excused myself, stepping away from her friends to find a quieter spot on the porch.

Taking a deep breath, I answered the call. “Hello?”

The voice on the other end was one I hadn’t heard in months but recognized instantly. Derek Kane. The smooth, unsettling tone of her ex sent a chill down her spine. “Hey, Soph. Surprised to hear from me?”

My heart pounded. “Derek? Why are you calling me? How did you even get my number?”

“I have my ways,” Derek said casually, his voice carrying a hint of a smirk. “You didn’t really think you could just disappear without a word, did you? We’ve got unfinished business, you and me.”

“There’s nothing between us,” I snapped, my voice quivering despite my attempt to stay strong. “I’m done with you, Derek. Don’t call me, and stay away from my family.”

Derek laughed softly, the sound more chilling than comforting. “You’re not done until I say you’re done. I know where you are, Soph. You can’t run forever.”

My grip tightened around my phone. I was about to retort when I noticed Ethan standing a few feet away, watching me with concern. I quickly hung up, my hands shaking, and turned to Ethan, tears welling in my eyes.

“Sophia, what’s wrong?” Ethan asked, stepping closer. His brow furrowed as he looked at her, his usual laid-back demeanor replaced by a rare seriousness.

“It’s Derek,” I whispered, my voice breaking. “He keeps calling, saying he knows where I am. I ended things with him a long time ago, Ethan. He’s crazy, and I don’t deserve this.”

Ethan nodded, his expression softening. “I believe you, Sophia. Derek’s bad news; everyone knows that. But there’s something I need to tell you, too.” He hesitated, glancing back at the house where the others were still gathered. “Maybe after the party, when things calm down?”

I nodded, wiping my eyes quickly. “Yeah, okay. Thanks, Ethan. I just… I don’t know what to do.”

“Let’s get back inside,” Ethan suggested gently. “We’ll figure it out. You’re not alone in this.”

We returned to the party, rejoining Emma and Marcus, who were now chatting with Graham. Just as I was starting to feel a small sense of relief, the music suddenly cut, and a voice boomed over the makeshift sound system.

“Attention, everyone!” Bianca’s voice rang out, commanding the crowd’s attention. She stood on a small platform, smirking as all eyes turned to her. “I have a little announcement to make!”

My stomach sank. I watched as Bianca gestured to a tall figure emerging from the back of the room, his polished appearance instantly recognizable. Derek Kane, quarterback for Columbia’s rival college Penn state. Derek, with his perfectly styled hair and arrogant smile, made his way to Bianca’s side. The room erupted in whispers and cheers, the football rivalry making his presence even more dramatic.

“And here he is, my new friend, Derek Kane,” Bianca continued, her eyes flickering slyly to where Sophia stood, pale and frozen. “Isn’t he just perfect?”

My breath caught in her throat. Derek’s gaze found mine instantly, a smug satisfaction in his eyes as he winked in my direction. I felt Ethan’s hand on my shoulder, grounding me as the room around them seemed to close in.

I couldn’t shake the fear gnawing at her. Bianca’s smirk, Derek’s presence—it all felt like a trap tightening around her, and no matter how much I tried to ignore it, the weight of my past was catching up with me, faster than I could run.

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