Chapter 14: Making her pay

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I stormed out of the café, my frustration boiling over. I made my way to a quiet park nearby, where I found an empty bench and slumped down, waiting for the person I was meeting. They arrived shortly, taking a seat beside me.

“How could he?” I blurted out, my voice edged with frustration. “How can Matteo just move on with her? This wasn’t supposed to happen. We were high school sweethearts. This isn’t how it was meant to end.”

The person beside me remained calm. “Bianca, you have to remember that you let Ryan come between you and Matteo. It wasn’t just a one-time mistake. You made choices, and Matteo has moved on.”

“But it was only one mistake with Ryan!” I insisted. “It doesn’t mean I wanted everything to fall apart. I didn’t think Matteo would just replace me like that. It feels so unfair.”

The person gave a slight nod. “Matteo’s mom texted me today, asking about the situation. Apparently, Matteo told his family that you’re no longer together, and now your parents are pressuring you to fix things. They see you as the ‘it couple,’ and they expect you to reconcile.”

I stared at them, trying to make sense of everything. “And you know this how?”

“I have my sources,” they replied, a hint of mystery in their tone. “But there’s something else you should know. Ethan, who’s close with Matteo, actually likes Sophia, not Matteo. Matteo’s feelings for Sophia are genuine, but Ethan has been harboring feelings for her too.”

I was taken aback. “That’s not possible. How do you know?”

“Trust me, I have my sources,” the person repeated, their tone firm.

I let out a sharp breath, feeling a new wave of determination. “If that’s the case, then I’m going to make that girl pay in her own way. She’s messing with things she shouldn’t be.”

As I left the park, I was filled with a renewed sense of purpose. I wasn’t going to let this situation slide. If anyone was going to interfere with my plans, they’d have to deal with me first.

As I walked away from the park, my mind raced with a mix of frustration and determination. Matteo moving on with Sophia, Ethan’s hidden feelings—everything seemed to be spiraling out of control. I needed to find a way to gain the upper hand and make sure that I wasn't left out in the cold.

I pulled out my phone and dialed a number, the one I had saved for times like these. As the call rang, I stared ahead, mentally piecing together my next move. When the voice on the other end answered, I wasted no time.

“Hey, it’s Bianca,” I said, my voice steady but urgent. “I need some dirt on someone. Specifically, Sophia Martinez. I want to know everything—any dark secrets, any past mistakes she’s trying to hide.”

There was a brief pause before the voice responded, “Alright, I’ll see what I can dig up. You know it’s not always easy to get the full picture, but I’ll try my best.”

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