Chapter 27: The Heart-to-Heart

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I sat on the park bench, my heart pounding and palms sweating. Sophia sat across from me, her eyes searching mine, waiting for me to speak. I fumbled with my hands, trying to find the right words.

“What is it you need to tell me, Matteo?” Sophia’s voice was steady but held a trace of nervousness.

I took a deep breath, my thoughts jumbled. “I need some time to get this out,” I said, struggling to begin.

Sophia’s gaze was patient, yet she seemed eager for me to get to the point. “If you’re ready to talk, you can start now.”

I nodded, trying to collect my thoughts. “I don’t know the full story,” I began, “but I’ve heard pieces from Marcus and Ethan.”

Sophia’s eyes widened in surprise. “Ethan told people about my story? That’s private!”

I quickly tried to calm her. “Actually, I’m glad he did. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known. But I don’t judge you for it. I understand now that things are complicated.”

Sophia’s shoulders relaxed a bit. “Derek has forgiven me. I spoke with his mother, and we’ve worked things out.”

I smiled, feeling a bit of relief. “That’s good to hear. What I wanted to tell you is that I’ve had feelings for you for a long time. Even before Ethan, I had these feelings, though I’m not sure if it’s love or just a strong liking.”

Her eyes locked onto mine, and I could see the surprise and confusion in them. “I’ve waited so long to tell you this. I was afraid that with you leaving for Canada, I’d lose my chance.”

Sophia’s eyes softened, and I could see her processing my words. “I don’t need an answer right now,” I added. “I’m sorry about how Ethan treated you. I actually punched him for you.”

Sophia’s mouth fell open in shock. “You... you fought him? Why would you do that?”

I sighed, feeling the weight of my actions. “Ethan was way out of line. I felt like I needed to stand up for you. I don’t want to fight, but I couldn’t just let him treat you that way.”

Sophia’s expression was a mix of surprise and gratitude. “You stood up for me? You didn’t have to do that, but I feel really lucky to have someone like you in my life.”

I felt a rush of warmth at her words. “I’m glad you think so. I don’t want to hold any grudges. I just felt it was important to be there for you.”

Sophia nodded, her smile growing. “I’ve had feelings for you for a while, too. Even when I was with Ethan, I kept thinking about you. I felt so guilty about it.”

Hearing that made my heart soar. “I’m so happy to hear that. I don’t want to rush into anything, though. Let’s take it slow and see where it leads.”

I looked at Sophia, a mix of worry and curiosity in my eyes. “Derek seems to have forgiven you, and everything is fine between you two. But considering your history, I have to ask—how are you going to handle those feelings? Do you still have any lingering emotions for him?”

Sophia was quiet for a moment, her gaze distant as if she were sorting through her thoughts. My mind raced, filled with the fear that maybe she still had unresolved feelings for Derek, that perhaps I wasn’t really a part of her future. But as she took a deep breath and her posture relaxed, she finally spoke. “All of that is in the past. Columbia is a place for new beginnings. The connection I feel with you is different. It’s something I’ve never felt before.”

Her words were a balm to my anxious heart. The relief and joy were overwhelming, and I couldn’t help myself. I picked her up and twirled her around, feeling like I was on top of the world. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long,”

I looked deeply into Sophia’s eyes, trying to read her emotions. My heart pounded as I hesitated, unsure if she was signaling me to kiss her or if I was completely off track. Her eyes were peering into mine, but I couldn't decipher if there was a spark of desire or just uncertainty. The tension between us was palpable, and I felt a mix of hope and doubt.

Suddenly, Sophia spoke, breaking the charged silence. “Let’s just take things slow.” Her words were gentle but firm, and my heart sank with disappointment. I had hoped for more, but I understood that with everything that had happened recently, she needed time.

After all, with everything that had transpired in the past week, Sophia deserved a break and some space. As I took a moment to gather my thoughts, I turned slightly to the side, contemplating her words. Just then, I felt a sudden, soft touch on my cheek. Startled, I looked back to see Sophia running away, her laughter trailing behind her.

I stood there, a mix of emotions swirling within me, but unable to contain the smile that spread across my face. The unexpected kiss on my cheek was a promise of what might come, and as I watched her disappear into the distance, I felt a surge of renewed hope and energy.

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