Chapter 10 :Run up to Freshers week

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The night before Freshers' Week began, I lay in bed, feeling a mix of anxiety and anticipation. Ethan’s support had been a balm for my nerves, reassuring me that I wasn’t alone in my struggles. It was comforting to know I had a friend who genuinely cared about my well-being.

Rehearsals for the upcoming week had been intense. Every day, I found myself pushing harder to keep up with Tara and Emma. Their grace and skill were undeniable, and I felt both challenged and inspired by their dedication. Despite the hectic practices, it was clear that Tara and Emma enjoyed working together, and they seemed genuinely pleased to include me in their routine.

Today, after another long session, Tara approached me with a smile. “Sophia, I have to say, your progress has been impressive. Your commitment to these rehearsals hasn’t gone unnoticed. I’m really glad you’re part of the team.”

Emma nodded in agreement, her face lighting up. “Yeah, it’s been great having you with us. You’re really fitting in well.”

Tara’s expression softened as she added, “I must admit, I’m a bit envious of the bond you and Emma have. Were you friends before this?”

I shook my head, smiling. “No, we just met on campus and happened to be dorm roommates. We’ve grown close through our time together.”

Tara’s eyes brightened. “Well, I’d love for you to join us outside of practice whenever you’re free. We’d be happy to have you with us.”

I felt a wave of relief and appreciation. “We would like that very much. Thank you.”

Matteo's POV:

Meanwhile, Matteo was facing his own set of challenges. Bianca had been obsessively planning their couple’s costume for the upcoming Halloween party, insisting on the most elaborate and eye-catching design. The constant pressure to get it just right was wearing him down.

“Matteo, we need to make sure our costume is perfect,” Bianca said, showing him different fabric swatches. “I want us to stand out and be the best-looking couple there.”

Matteo, already stressed from Freshers' Week, tried to keep his frustration in check. “Bianca, this is getting overwhelming. Can’t we just pick something simple?"

“I had a falling out with Ethan today,” Matteo said, trying to keep his voice steady. “It’s about this girl in our group.”

Bianca’s eyes narrowed with interest. “What’s this about a girl?”

Matteo sighed, feeling the weight of his frustrations. “Ethan has a crush on her. And it’s not just Ethan—Marcus likes Emma, and Ethan likes Sophia. The group is growing, and it’s causing more stress than I anticipated. Everything feels like it’s piling up, including the issues at the captain’s house.”

Bianca’s expression shifted from concern to jealousy. “So, you’re saying there are two new girls in the group, and now everyone’s focused on them? I don’t want you spending so much time with them. You should be spending more time with me.”

Matteo’s patience was wearing thin. “Bianca, it’s not just about the girls. It’s about balancing everything. Freshers' Week is around the corner, and I’m already under pressure. And yes, you are only concerend about the costumes!.”

Bianca’s face grew more insistent. “But you need to prioritize us. I just got back, and we need to focus on our costumes and the party.”

Matteo’s frustration boiled over. “You’re so focused on these material things and your own needs that you’re not considering what I’m going through. I need support, not additional pressure. You’re not being a very understanding girlfriend right now.”

Bianca was unconvinced, and the argument intensified. Feeling overwhelmed, I decided to step away from the situation. I decided to call dad, seeking advice and a break from the mounting pressure.

“Everything is just too much right now Dad” I confessed. “The stress, the arguments—it’s all taking a toll.”

Dad listened and suggested, “I can understand son. Maybe you should come home for a week. It might help you clear your head and relieve some of that stress.”

Inodded, feeling a glimmer of hope. “Yeah, maybe that’s what I need. Thanks, Dad.”

As I ended the call, Matteo felt a sense of relief. Perhaps a short visit home was exactly what I needed to regain perspective. The phone flashed a text message:

Bianca: Matteo, where are you? Why haven’t you been answering my calls?

Matteo: I’m heading home. I had to book a flight last minute. I won’t be joining you for Freshers' Week.

Bianca: What do you mean you won’t be joining? We have everything planned! The costumes, the party—what’s going on?

Matteo: I have some urgent matters to attend to at home. I need to take a break and clear my head.

Bianca: This is ridiculous! You’re supposed to be focusing on our plans. If you can’t prioritize us, maybe we need to rethink things.

Matteo: Yes we should officially take a break and sort out priorities.

Typing my last response i shut my phone and started packing for my flight to Denver.

While carrying my luggage upto the door i crossed paths with Ethan and his crush Sophia. They greeted me and looked confused as to why would i plan a trip in the mid semester.

Ethan glanced at my luggage and asked, “Heading somewhere?”

“Yeah,” I replied. “I’m taking a trip home. I’ve got some personal issues to handle.”

Sophia looked at me with concern. “In the middle of the semester? Everything okay?”

I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. “Not really. I just had a big argument with Bianca. She’s been unreasonable about a lot of things, and I think it’s best if we take a break. I won’t be able to make it to Freshers' Week.”

Ethan nodded sympathetically. “That sounds tough. I hope everything gets sorted out for you.”

Sophia added, “Yeah, take care of yourself. We’ll catch up when you’re back.”

As I looked at Sophia, her genuine concern struck me. It was a stark contrast to the tension I had been dealing with. I couldn’t help but think that Sophia’s warmth was different—something I hadn't felt with Bianca. In that moment, I found myself agreeing with Ethan's earlier comment: Sophia was nothing like Bianca. As I prepared to leave, I couldn’t shake the thought that maybe there was something more here, something worth exploring. With that lingering in my mind, I headed toward my flight, feeling a mix of hope and uncertainty about what lay ahead.

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