Chapter 12: The aftermath

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The chill of Denver’s crisp winter air filled my lungs as I stepped outside, feeling a familiar sense of calm wash over me. It had been a while since I’d been home, and the mountains, blanketed in white, were a welcome sight. My parents were thrilled to have me back, and as always, my mom wasted no time diving into the details of my life.

“So, Matteo,” she began, setting a cup of hot cocoa in front of me, “I’ve been thinking about your future. You know, I’ve already started planning the wedding—Bianca would look stunning in this dress I found…”

I huffed, cutting her off. “Mom, Bianca and I… we’re not together anymore.” I explained the breakup, the fights, and how things had unraveled between us. Her face fell, and she quickly turned away, mumbling something about needing to check on dinner. My dad gave me a supportive pat on the shoulder.

“It’s alright, son,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “You’ve got a lot going for you. We’re proud of you, especially with that prestigious scholarship to the university. Relationships come and go, but you’ve got a good head on your shoulders. You’ll figure it out.”

Later, after catching up with some of my old friends and playing a little football to clear my head, I felt more like myself. It was good to get away, to escape the drama of campus life and reset. But just as I was settling in, my phone buzzed with a series of notifications from Ethan. I opened them, half expecting to see pictures of him and Sophia hanging out, which gave me a strange, uncomfortable feeling. Why did I care so much? She wasn’t my concern. I had nothing to do with her. But then, I saw the photos.

There was Bianca, draped all over Ryan—my arch-nemesis from the league. My blood boiled. So this is what she’d moved on to? All the arguments, all the accusations, and she was off with him, making it look like our entire relationship was nothing but a bad joke. In that moment, it all clicked. She was never really mine, not in the way I had hoped. I deserved better, and I knew then that I was done with being her second choice.

Fueled by a mix of anger and clarity, I booked the next flight back to campus, determined to confront Bianca and set things straight.

The moment I stepped into the captain’s house, Marcus and Ethan were there, waiting. Ethan quickly filled me in on what they had seen, and Marcus nodded in agreement, confirming it all. Their support was solid, and I appreciated that they had my back. But I knew what I needed to do next.

I headed straight for the girls' dorm, not even bothering to calm my nerves. Bianca needed to hear it, and I wasn’t going to hold back this time.

Matteo stood outside Bianca’s room, his chest heaving with every breath as the evening chill seeped into his bones. He didn’t care anymore. The weight of everything—the fights, the distance, the constant back and forth—had become too much. His resolve solidified as he lifted his hand and knocked firmly on the door.

The door swung open slightly, revealing a guy’s silhouette. Matteo’s eyes narrowed, recognizing the unmistakable figure of Ryan. The rage that had been simmering in Matteo’s chest exploded. Without thinking, he barged in, only to find Bianca tangled up with Ryan on the bed, making out as if the world outside didn't exist. Matteo saw nothing but red. Before Ryan could react, Matteo’s fist connected with his face, sending him sprawling across the floor. Ryan scrambled to his feet, grabbing his things in a hurry, and bolted out of the room, not daring to look back.

Bianca scrambled up, straightening her clothes, her eyes wide with a mix of shock and guilt. "Matteo, this isn’t what it looks like!" she stammered, reaching out as if to touch his arm.

Matteo recoiled, his knuckles throbbing but overshadowed by the burning in his chest. “Really, Bianca? This is exactly what it looks like,” he spat, his voice thick with anger and hurt.

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