Chapter Three

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We all went back to my hotel after that. We wanted to start working right away. I never thought that I would have to be in a completely new band just to get through this competition, also including ditching my other super cool band we called The White Eskimos- and I didn't know if I liked it. It just might be worth it, though.

That night we didn't spend much time on music. We went outside the hotel, in lawn chairs all around a fire in the grass and simply talked. We all agreed on it being more important that we knew who each other were and becoming friends since we were in a band together now, apparently.

"I guess I'll start," Niall stood up. He had a Irish accent that made each word sound sweet and nicely said. "I'm Niall, and 16, I'm from Mullangar and I like football."

"Hi Niall," We all said in sync, like we were at a god damn support group.

The night went on and we just goofed off and played football. It was actually pretty nice getting to know the boys, especially because we were all stressed and tired.

It was an amazing night, I do admit. Although, the only thing I am not particularly sure about in this band is Louis. He is such a nice guy and all, but he just seems somewhat odd; by the way he walks and the things he says, the way his hair falls and the clothes he wears.

We spoke and played until Liam seemed to be getting a bit tired and called his mum to bring him back home.

None of us could drive yet except for Louis, who was 18, so the others had to call their parents to come pick them up. Louis didn't look the least bit tired, it was like he could've stayed up all night.

Eventually, everyone had left except for Zayn. His mum was on her way, and the two of us sat side by side, in silence. He did seem a little bit jumpy all night, not only seeming mostly quiet but also anxious to leave.

But, being the guy I was, I tried my hardest to keep up the conversation even if he wasn't willing to.

"It's a beautiful night, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is." He spoke quick.

"There's a full moon, it's pretty gorgeous as well."

It was weird, because right as I spoke his eyes did that same thing as they did when he was upset with Simon. The thing where they began to glow a certain gold. At Bootcamp, I thought that it might just be either my eyes going wrong or maybe the light just hitting them weird. But no, this time they seemed to just glow bright underneath the darkness.

I had to ask. "Are you doing okay, mate? Your eyes are looking sort of funny.."

Zayn looked embarrassed and startled. "Its, er, it's nothing at all." He hid his face. "But I'm gonna, er, go to the restroom in the lobby, I'll be right back."

I nodded, letting him go. Something was off about him, and not the way Louis was, because I'm pretty sure Louis is just weird. Zayn looked like he was ill or scared.

I sat and patiently waited in my lawn chair, wondering where his mum or dad could possibly be at 10 o'clock at night.

Only about 5 minutes later I saw Zayn walk out from the hotel lobby again. He was walking with stiff shoulders and was also breathing heavily. I couldn't quite see his face, but I was positive it was him because I saw his golden eyes and the same body figure I'd known from him walking around on stage.

He didn't look fine at all. "Zayn?.." I asked. "Are you alright, lad?"

No reply. I walked closer and closer, very slowly and steadily.

"Zayn?" I asked, just one more time. He stepped into an area where I could clearly see his face, but it wasn't the same as when he'd left. It was darker, seemed to have more facial hair, up his past his cheeks and around his sideburns, burring his ears that had become pointed and larger. And his eyes-certainly not the typical brown I had thought back at the arena. They were a beaming red.

I didn't say anything, just attempted to make a run for it, knowing that whatever happened to Zayn while he was in the lobby, made sure that he wasn't Zayn anymore. He was a monster.

He chased me around the back of the hotel, I sprinted down the parking lot and around to a wooded area, I ran through the dirt and did not bother looking behind me. Zayn came from behind me and tripped me, I fell onto the cold hard ground and stretched my arms out to pull myself away but I couldn't because his grip was too tight. No one was around, and I had ran too far from where the hotel was located for my mother or Gemma to come to the rescue- or anyone, really.

I slid back on the dirt as he pulled my legs and then jumped on top of me. I had enough strength to flip myself around so I was laying on my back rather than my stomach. Zayn- or whoever turned into a fucking animal- was clawing at my face and roaring with all he had.

I screamed and tried so hard to make him loose or grip or get off of me but when I wriggled around too much, he would open up his mouth and howl, his deadly canine fangs dripped saliva all down onto my shirt.

I broke one of my arms free and reached it up, punching him in the face but not making an impact at all, just simply making it worse. The hit caused him to howl once more, and then lean to my rib cage to sink his bright, sharp teeth into my flesh.

I shrieked from the tip top of my lungs, it was the most painful thing I have ever had happen to me. It was like the bones of my rib cage were being ripped out one by one, as he tried pushing his teeth deeper into me.

I was unable to say anything, I tried shouting for help but the blood and the feeling of it was all too much.

He ripped his teeth out, roared once more and showing every single one of his canines, now soaked in my blood, and spitting in my face. The howling of another animal in the distance caught his attention and he looked away from me for just a split second, and I made my escape from underneath him to run away.

I kept my hand pressed toughly against my side where he bit me, the pain was unbearable and I began crying.

My vision was very blurry from the blood loss and the anxiety and the fear and I wasn't even sure if I was headed in the right direction.

Knowing he was far behind me and it wasn't likely I would be found again, I leaned against a nearby building and looked for someone to help. Barely any cars were passing by, none of them would stop for me.

Finally, one gentleman was kind enough to pull over, but right as he rolled down his car window I had realized something. If I get in this mans car, he is going to call my mother, she is going to find out about tonight, about Zayn, and pull me from the XFactor. If anyone finds out, I won't be allowed in the competition. I couldn't let that happen. There was not anything in the world that was going to keep me from the XFactor.

"Are you alright?" I hear the man whose pulled over say to me.

I ignore him, just look at his struck face real fast and then run as fast as I can to find my hotel.

"Lad? Boy where are you headed?!" He yells. I don't even turn around- I just run. I figure that if I just go to the hotel and find something to wrap up my wound it will eventually heal, and I won't have to tell anybody anything. I'm sure it won't be too bad, especially because it's right up next to the fact that if I do tell I might loose my chance of everything. And this was my last chance, I would risk whatever I had to for this.

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