Chapter Forty Four

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This couldn't have gotten anymore idiotic. We spent one hour getting prepared and such, by stealing the knives from the hotel room for Liam and Niall to protect themselves with, and me and Louis had our supernatural powers.

16 hours left. The estimated time for driving from Glasgow, where we were now for the show and Doncaster was 3 hours. Louis said he could get us there in an hour and a half if he drove, which scared me and the boys but at this point I was risking everything.

We tucked Logan safely in the very backseat of a car we basically stole from outside the hotel. We wrapped him in a blanket and then Liam and Niall snuggle up behind him. I was in the passenger seat next to Louis.

"Okay, hold on to your ballsacks, boys, this is gonna be quite quick-" Louis smirked, twisting the key into place and putting the car into drive.

He devilishly pushed his hardest on the gas and we flew forward and down the streets at an inhumane speed. We were going quicker than light itself.

I had one hand on the door, the other on my seat and was trying to hold my self in place and not fly into the back seat. Niall and Liam were both struggling to keep their eyes open and see past the wind in their faces.

"Don't worry, boys, it won't be like this the entire ride. Just, relax." Louis somehow giggled.

"Is this safe?" I asked, circling my headrest.

"Sure, sure. No one can see us. We're just traveling through things."

I didn't ask anything further, because I felt irritated with him. I stay back against my chair and try to convince myself this is safe.

It was silent for a very long time. All I was doing was thinking, about Dylan and what was going on in his head right now. He was probably furious with us, for doing this to both him and his little brother. They were part of my pack and I completely ruined them.

"We should've left to find Dylan the second he went," I cried to Lou with my voice raw. "I can't believe I was so fucking stupid not to."

"Harry, you knew that we needed time to think. You did everything you did for a reason, you wanted to protect Logan and us." He said, putting his hand on my thigh.

I moved in my seat to get his hand off of me. "It's hard to deal with. I don't want a career that keeps me away twenty four hours along with responsibilities of keeping my friends and family alive and a relationship and personal time. I can't keep all of this together, and I'm going completely insane."

Louis sighed, and didn't respond.


Only 15 more minutes left in the car ride, only 15 more hours left to find Dylan and bring him home. All was silent and I was beginning to close my eyes and rest.

"Stop the car," Niall suddenly demanded.

"Why?" Louis asked.

Niall was beginning to panic in the backseat, looking about an startling Liam awake from his slumber.

"Logan isn't breathing, stop the fucking car."

"I can't stop the car, we're low on time." Louis argued.

My heart was racing and I became more angered and scared. My claws were becoming as Niall and Louis kept yelling at each other.

"I'm not stopping this car!" Louis shouted.

"STOP THE GODDAMNED CAR!" I roared, forcing him to break in fear. Louis looked at me after our car had completely came to a stop with a red face and almost tears.

Liam and Niall immediately got out on either sides of the car, and lay Logan down in the back seat. I got out too, grabbing his hand was the first thing I did to take away any pain, but there was none.

There was no feeling at all.

I began to violently worry as I went in to do CPR on him. Nothing was working.

"Cmon, please please please.." I whispered as I pushed up and down on his chest. "Please-" I cried.

He was too weak to heal himself and his body had gone out. I tried mouth to mouth over and over again, but not one single beat had risen from his dead heart. There was no pulse.

I started crying, bent over his body and sobbing with arms crossed over his chest. "No! Please, no- Jesus fucking Christ please, no!" My throat was twisted as my words evolved in deep sobs.

Logan's face was pale, sad. His fingers were froze and his mouth left open. I beat on the side of the car door in frustration, denting it.

Niall, Liam, and Louis were all behind me watching. Niall had his hand over his mouth trying to hold in tears, Liam looked as he was about to be sick and he cried too, and Louis had a red beat face that had droplets beginning to form on his waterline.

"I killed him! I fucking killed him-" I blamed myself and sobbed. "No, no, no, no, no.."

I put my face lightly down on his stomach and cried. Niall had his hand on my back, rubbing in comfort.

My heart was sunken, I felt soulless and cruel. Everything felt so painful, my ears were ringing and my vision was going out.

I began to get stressed and frustrated and the only way I knew how to take it out was by howling, I howled to the sky and whimpered. This was all my fault.

Logan was dead, and he was dead because of me.

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