Chapter Twelve

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By the end of that week was our next performance. I was definitely nervous, who wouldn't be, but also hopeful that the new method me and Ni tried out would work.

The song this time was chosen by Niall, called Viva La Vida by ColdPlay. It was one of my all time favorites, I was generally comfortable with it, my only problem was how big the stage seemed to be looking out on it right before walking onto it.

It seems gigantic, there were going to be loads of people in the crowd watching us, and I could quite tell if I were ready for it or not.

My heart was pounding but I was able to maintain myself for the short amount of time.

A few minutes before it was our turn, there was a tap on my shoulder that made me flinch and the jump around to see who it was.

"Oi, didn't mean to scare you." Louis laughed.

"It's alright, I'm okay." I said.

"Just wanted to wish you luck. You've been working very hard and you also sing most the song, so just wanna let you know you'll do perfectly fine." And here he was again, acting normal and kind. I meant to ask him what his deal was, but he just gave my shoulder a friendly hit and then walked off.

I stood in shock for a few seconds until being called over to get a microphone.

We walked onto the stage, one by one, in order of Niall, Liam, Louis, and then me. I took a deep breath. I could do this. I kept thinking back to the calm memory I held. This was going to be easy. 

The music starts. I jerked my body when it was switched on, it hurt my ears very much and was way too loud for me, but I held still. I would have to get used to hearing that, I guess.

The boys twisted and turned their shoulders to the beat, dancing and getting the crowd worked up for the song. I did it along with them, feeling like I was going to throw up.

Staring over the heads in the large wave of individuals before me, I felt tingles up my back turn into facial hair around my jaw.

No, no, no, not now. Please relax, Harold.

I looked over to Louis. He seemed to be jumpy, having lots of fun. His eyes were bright, very noticeable across the dark stage. He turned to me, and gave me a quick wink before he started singing.

I started to harmonize behind Liam, feeling the hair disappear and my heartbeat to go down. This was good. I was doing good.

Now, it was my turn.

I began to put all I had from my lungs into my vocals for the chorus. Again, the feeling of me getting quite tense ran up around my spine and around to my heart to create a real fast pulse.

I looked to Liam; he seemed to be enjoying himself, enjoying the crowd, but me seeing that did not make me feel better. So I looked to Louis.

And suddenly I felt safe. There was something that Louis had that none of the other boys had that made me feel like I was okay. I stared at his facial structure, nicely designed and handsome, his lips sharpen perfectly for each note to ring off into the microphone and echo into the speakers of the arena.

I finished off strong, incredibly proud of myself and feeling much more confident than I ever had. The song ended right on the dot, and I threw my arms up in the air and smiled. Louis looked to me, giggling.

I had never seen him so thrilled. It made me feel the same. We ran into hug one another, feeling exhilarated and fulfilled with happiness from a great performance.

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