Chapter Forty Seven

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"Announcing it aloud will just make them madder and shoot anyone they can, we all know that."

"What's the easiest way to clear the arena without them knowing?"

"There's not. She's a vampire. She knows everything."

"So, what do we do? Act like nothing's wrong?"

"Guess that will have to do. They'll be better off not knowing. Security will keep their eyes out for anything unusual."

"Anything. Just do anything to keep my girls safe."


"How are we doing out there, Glasgow??" Liam yells, feeling hyped and jumping around the stage.

The crowd is insane. They scream with joy. I tried my absolute hardest to be happy, to feel like everything would be fine but at this point, it was impossible to convince myself. There were murderers in the building- and they wanted to kill me. They wanted to kill anyone who got in their way and if anything happened tonight, it would change everything.

I paces back and forth across the stage, unmeaningly rushing my solos with shaky hands. Louis came to me during More Than This and took my hand, and he stood by me the next few songs. He squeezed my fingers to the beat of the songs and bopped his head with the rhythm, trying to get me to cheer up.

"Harry," An icy cold voice whispered to me. "Harry, you can hear me. I know it.."

She was torturing me again. Her words, however, were barely making it off her tongue, as she was so completely torn apart and breaking.

I put my mic down to my side. "Lottie, where are you?"

"Hm, nowhere that concerns you."

"Don't hurt anyone, I'm begging you-"

"No promises," She almost laughs.

Louis looks worried for me. "What's wrong?" He says into my ear.

"Lottie is talking to me. I can't tell where she is. Lou, I'm so completely scared, my heart has never beat this fast before and I don't know what's happening,"

I stopped talking to finish off the song, trying to hide the cracks in my voice and to keep the tears out of my mouth.

"Don't listen to her. She's in your head. Don't. Listen." He says. Then he lets go and heads across the other side of the stage.

I gripped my microphone tight. She was speaking to me, she was threatening me, she was breaking me, right here, right now.

I broke into tears during Change My Mind. I couldn't help myself. I hated myself for crying, but there was too much happening. I even had gone back stage just to breath while Niall was singing. I could feel my muscles tingling and growing and my eyes changing along with my nails coming in.

It wasn't controllable anymore, I had come so close to changing at multiple times through the night.

I don't think it helped much knowing that my mum and sister were in the audience; knowing that the killers could be at their side, knowing that they were watching just me cry.

I sat on the very edge of the stage. My legs were dangling off and I felt nauseous. Fans were reaching out to me, I was touching the tips of their fingers gently and hearing their beautiful heart beats in my ear. I caught their kisses and then blew some back.

Over Again was my favorite song because it was the one Louis made in the shower, and it reminded me of being happy. I loved to listen to Louis sing it, rough voice and thick accent, such a lovely being.

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