Chapter Forty Three

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It just kept getting better for us, tomorrow night was night three and the nights were refreshing and exhilarating. But, not for everyone- Logan kept getting sicker. He refused to eat and he refused to communicate with us or be active in any way, he was quite a stubborn kid and I couldn't think of a thing to do about it.

We all decided that it was time to get Dylan back. I felt stupid for putting it off for so long, I knew that it would hurt Logan but both the brothers would be fine once they were together. I just needed everything in my personal life to be situated and perfect. Also, our plan to rescue him had been finished.

Setting off that day was dangerous, knowing that we might not make it back tomorrow for our show, but this was nearly vital. Liam agreed to help us out, and Paul agreed to watch Oops which was as much as I could hope for.

The easy part was- we know exactly where Lottie is. Louis had said something about how they'd both hung out there when they were small but eventually she just turned it into her own little place when Louis went off on his own. He hadn't seen it in hundreds of years apparently, but he could picture it in his head and see what she'd done with it.

The place was behind their old house, just a simple gazebo with trees around it and flowers and it was honestly quite beautiful as he told it, but she built it underground. It was large and had chains and locks and weapons. This worried me, but Louis was able to see nearly everything that was going on, he wasn't being hurt a bit. Just terrified.


"Harry?" I heard my name in the middle of the night. All was dark in our hotel room, I lay in bed in only sweatpants and sit up to see who's there.

"Harry-" It was Logan who was standing in mine and Lou's doorway. Louis was by the window, looking out while I slept, but now faced Logan with a concerned look on his face.

I switched on the lamps light switch at my bedside to see him more clearly, his eyes were droopy and red beneath, his muscles looked quite sore and his lips swollen.

Logan could just barely finish saying my name before falling onto his knees, and beginning to cough up a thick, black, liquid.

I was startled to my feet as I ran to his side, on the floor holding himself and vomiting repeatedly more and more of this oily excess, and when he looked up at me I could see it coming from his nose like mucus.

"LIAM! NIALL! GET IN HERE!" I shouted, not having a clue what to do with him.

"What is this stuff?" I cried to Louis, rubbing Logan's back and putting tissues to his mouth.

Niall and Liam came running in, scattered. "What's going on?!"

"Logan.. I don't know what's wrong with him, he won't stop vomiting and it's coming from his nose and starting to drip from his ears-" I couldn't breathe.

"Is this like a werewolf thing? What is it?" Liam asked, trying his hardest to relax as he kneeled on the floor and took Logan's hand.

"I don't know, I have no idea what's going on, I don't know what this is or where it's coming from, I don't know-" I was anxious and panicking, completely scared and ignorant.

"We need to get him to hospital-" Louis said.

"No, no we can't, because if it's a werewolf situation than it'll just make everything worse at the hospital-" Liam grabbed more tissue and wiped his face. Logan was saying nothing, if anything he was beginning to black out.

"What are we supposed to do with him?!" I howled.

"Could it be like, an allergic reaction?" Louis asked.

"Fuck, Louis, I don't know! Quit asking me!" I pushed Louis away and picked Logan up off the ground and into the bathroom.

After a long time, he stopped throwing up and moaning and grabbing his stomach, he had most likely blacks out or something, he was breathing, but not moving and he lay utterly motionless with chalky black substance drooling from his lips, nostrils, and ears.

We had lay him down on the bed, I had his hand in mine as I took away his pain. All of us have calmed down, but I still feel desperate and terrified.

"Is there anyone we could turn to? Anyone who might know what's going on?" Louis asked, sitting on a chair with his elbows on his knees.

"The only person who would know anything about this is Lottie, and there's no way in hell we're using her." I was pacing back and forth through the room.

"Well, what the hell else are we gonna do, Harry? He's dying. We don't know how or what he's dying from, but he is and we have no knowledge whatsoever about our situation." Louis was frustrated as he spat at me and threw his arms up in disbelief.

"We have to find Dylan," I spoke calmly and looked up to Liam and Niall, sitting anticipated.

"How?" Niall asked.

"Louis will take us, if we know where she's at. All this was just her plan- she knew that if she took Dylan away, it would either kill us by going after him or kill Logan from not trusting us anymore." I sat down at the end of the bed, at Logan's feet. "She wants to kill us, she will do it anyway possible."

Liam stood up. "We have shows, we can't let our fans down and we all know that. We can't let them know, either. We don't have even a one day break until next week."

"Logan won't make it that long," Niall sighed.

"Then we'll go now." Louis said, deep thrilling tone.

We all looked up at him, surprised, and he just shrugged.

"We have 17 hours before we have to be at the arena. All we have to do is find Dylan and take him home."

Niall giggled but Liam flicked him in the shoulder and made him shut up.

"I don't think it's as easy as you're making it sound," I stood up next to him.

"Maybe not, but why not try?"

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