Chapter Ten

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It had been days after our performance, I had slept all today until it came time to head down to meet Simon as he told us our fate in the game.

We were all nervous, but I think I was just a bit more than the others. I had lots of anxiety and that's why I had been sleeping, and when Niall woke me because it was time to leave, my heart dropped and crashed into millions of tiny pieces and it even took me longer than usual to fully wake myself up and get out of bed.

The boys and I walked in sync as we went around the corner to see Simons concerted face in the shade. We were up against a band called Prince & something, I was too focused on us making it though to remember any of that shit.

"Hi boys," He greeted us, looking rather smiley.


Again, he made a lecture that I didn't really care about, I just needed him to say yes or no. He talked about the reason he out us together, about our strengths and our weaknesses, blah blah.

"So, I've made my decision." The anticipation made my eyes flicker gold.

Louis squeezed my shoulder, holding on tight. I looked to him, and he smiled again. But, this time, it was a real smile. Not an act.

"You boys have a lot of talent, but also some to work on."

Fucking Simon get to the god damn fucking point before I kick one of your pretty little lawn chairs over.

"And that's why I'm putting you through."

We all jumped at once and ran into hug each other. Those were the exact words I needed, and all I would ever need. We gripped each other and stood in a group hug, shouting with excitement and surprise.

I took myself out from the group and ran to Simon, I gave him a great big hug and thanked him.

"I put you through because I see potential, Harry." He smiled at me as we spoke with a low tone. "One little mess up during a nerve wrecking first performance won't affect anything as long as I can see through it and it can be fixed. You have an amazing talent, lad. Use it."

He scruffed up my hair just as Niall came pounding in behind me and gave us both a hug at once. Then Liam came on and did the same, then Louis.

It was unreal, the best news I had heard so far. I just hoped that this wasn't the last.

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