Chapter Six

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My entire body hurt, it felt like everything inside of me was ready to burst out and I constantly had a sick feeling in my stomach.

Niall and I were able to pack our things and move into the house with Louis and Liam. It was extremely hard to do while thinking of Zayn and the entire situation in general.

"Did you guys hear about Zayn?" Louis asked climbing to the top of the stairs to join me, Niall, and Liam in the small bedroom in which me and Niall shared.

"Yeah," We all nodded together, not knowing what to say about it.

"It's quite a shame, isn't it boys?" Louis says again. He was so fucking creepy, talking all weird and shit about his friend who had just died.

I gave Niall a distinct look, one that sort of signaled me wanting to say everything on my mind and letting Louis and Liam in on it, but Niall short a look back at me forcing me to keep my mouth shut.

"Today has been absolute shit." I said. "I'm going to sleep. Night."

"Night Harry,"

"Goodnight Harry,"



"Seventeen year old Zayn Malik was killed yesterday afternoon, his body was found in a wooded area behind a hotel in London near Wembley Stadium. Officers have not yet found out exactly how he was killed, but evidence shows that it may have been a murder."

"Murder?" I ask myself, facing the television at around 6 am the next morning.

I watch as the screen goes black and sound mutes, Liam walks up behind me with the remote in hand. "C'mon, boys, I hate to say it but this isn't what's important right now. We are in a competition that can and will change our lives. That's what we need to focus on."

"He's right," says Niall, walking out from the bedroom while slipping on a shirt. "I mean, we have been so focused on Zayn that we don't even have a band name yet, and it's nearly been a week."

"Yeah, yeah you're right. How about the next thing on our list is to come up with the name for our group." Liam agreed.

"How about Niall and the Potatoes!!" Niall shouted out.

There was no response to that one, not from any of us, and Niall just turned his head down in disappointment.

"I have a band called White Eskimos that I sing for in my garage.. If I'm leaving to join you guys we can use that name." I offered.

"No, no. We need something that really pops, something that sounds our names and our goals." Liam seemed to be the leader of the group, which I was perfectly fine with because I've found that he is an intelligent and organized person who has been to the XFactor once before.

"Single Status!" Louis blurts.

"That doesn't even make any sense," I snap. He rolls his eyes at me.

It was hard coming up with a group name. There was a lot to consider, and the rest of your mates had to agree with you on it as well.

I thought about the four of us together. The goal we had. We were all headed towards the same thing, all hoping on one big prize along with one another. We were all headed in the same direction. One direction.

"Okay, this might be stupid, but how about One Direction? Like, because we are all getting through this together, one way."

"That's not bad. I sort of like it." Says Liam.

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