Chapter Thirty One

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"Did you notice anything strange about those hunters?" Louis asked.

"Besides the fact that they were trying to kill us in our own household?" I had just stepped out of the shower and was wrapping a towel around myself, looking for some clothes to put on.

"No, no, like did any of them seem weird to you?"

"Lou, I don't think I know what you're asking,"


It had been two weeks since we were almost caught. Two weeks ago we could've been killed- and that was because of me. The hunters know our address, so Simon helped us with hiring body guards to stay with us 24/7 and watch out for us.

The main one who has begun to hang out with us and all, his name is Paul and he's sort of my new favorite person. He's really nice to talk to and doesn't mind Niall running around in his underwear or Louis' backtalk.

One day, while he was standing outside the house and just looking around for people walking passed, he noticed that the hunters would constantly pass by either in their cars or just walking passed or something, and got a nervous feeling about it. He came inside to let us know, and it was sort of hard to keep the story from him.

At first we tried lying to Paul and saying that they were just insane neighbors, but then Niall panicked and blurted out that they were just milkmen. This created complete disbelief and we spilt the beans.

Nothing about Louis, of course, but we did take an entire day off to show him my transformation and tell him the legends and the rules and the powers, and to be honest I thought he might be even a little bit scared, but absolutely not. Paul was joyful and he thought that it was the fucking greatest thing on the earth. He smiled and he asked questions and was extremely interested, and I couldn't have been more happy.

Then, he promised us that he would keep us safe and never let any one of them come near me. That was the moment that the four of us knew he was going to be a fantastic friend to our group. He also promised to keep the secret, which was good, because no one else needed to know about me, the number of individuals that knew now was beginning to reach a dangerous rate.

Paul basically turned into our babysitter after that. He made breakfast for us and picked up after us. But he didn't mind, as he laughed at my hilarious jokes that everyone else refused to acknowledge.

But I think the best thing about Paul is that he kept the paps away, partly for my eyes and identity, but honestly mostly just for our privacy in which we deserved. Him and the other guys were pretty big and strong, and could take us places in a huddle and protect us from mobs and cameras and whatever.

The days turned mostly into work, Simon mentioned the idea of an album and all the boys fell in love with it, so that's what we have been doing lately, writing and recording. I love them both, but sometimes it gets hard because I still have lost control of my times of changing and will have to repeatedly leave to try and cool off. Niall comes with me to help each time, because Louis makes my anxiety worse.

I wanted him so bad. I woke up with him looking down upon me every single morning, smiling at my company and I knew that he loved me. And I tried harder than anything to try and get myself to stop loving him, to stop looking at him the way I did and to stop thinking about him like that and in those ways, but I just couldn't. I fucking couldn't for the life of me.

I cried some nights because of him. And what hurt most is that he was awake and he knew, but he just laid in his own spot in silence and didn't comfort me or even acknowledge me because frankly, trying to return to peace by imagining myself in his arms, made me cry harder and it made the pain worse. It did this because I knew it could never happen, and it reminded me of the dreams I had of the suffering I put him through, and the time I changed and sliced his forehead when we'd first met.

Nonetheless, we were all brothers.

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