Chapter Forty

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We spent days planning out how to track Lottie down. Days that went by too quickly when they were mixed with recording and writing. The only reason we were being so hesitant about going out for him were because there were so many traps she'd got us into, ones that were nearly impossible to get ourselves out of alive. The good part was, we were also able to discover her weaknesses which helped in finding where she went and what she could and could not do.

I felt bad for Dylan, who was probably scared as fuck wherever he was, but I knew that he'd be perfectly fine. I just prayed that he wouldn't do anything stupid.

Also, Logan had been freaking out lately and completely going off which was the most difficult of all of this. He didn't trust us any longer, and he wanted to go out and find Dylan for himself but we had to keep him with us. Few nights ago, he had all his stuff packed up and was about to trail off in a search for Lottie, but I had been keeping close watch on him and heard his back window creek open, all the way from where I lay in my bed. I hurriedly went and got him, he fought it by turning and clawing at me and biting but with my strength I could hold him down, and I brought him to our house and he's been here since.

Liam and Niall both knew, and understood what was going on. I was lucky to have Niall to want to help, and though Liam did not want to get involved in any of this, he still respected it but did not come to help whatsoever. We let Niall in on our plans and he even helped edit the sketch we've made.

The huge problem we had that stopped everything was the Take Me Home Tour. It started tomorrow. There was no way in hell I was letting my girls down, so all this hunting and saving and dumb shit would have to be worked around it. I, one, couldn't let them find out about any of this, and two, couldn't get them involved anyway into it because knowing Lottie, she'd hurt them all.

Me, Niall, and Louis all cleaned up our living room and made it up nice enough for Logan to sleep there and spend his time. I couldn't express how bad I felt for him, I could see him physically changing with sadness and his face seemed pale and there were bags beneath his eyes. He rarely ate, and all of this was effecting his werewolf strength, causing his powers to die down, including his hearing and smell and feelings.

I was in the kitchen. I was sitting next to Louis, who stared at me while I ate my biscuit, and Niall, who was playing his a hangnail on his thumb. Logan slept on the couch, with Oops by his side. We were all three sleep deprived.

It was nearly noon. I turned to the living room when I heard a short forceful cough. Logan had woken himself up, and his skin looked almost grey and his lips purple. He was wheezing, which scared Oops off the couch.

I jumped from my seat and went to his side. I knew that he was beginning to get sick from everything he had been pushing on himself from not seeing Dylan and all the anxiety. I felt his forehead, then his cheeks. He had a fever.

"What's wrong," I grabbed his hand. Lou and Niall walked up behind me to take a look.

"My muscles-" He stopped to cough. "They ache, my head aches, I'm tired, I'm in so much pain.."

To be frank, he did cause this on himself and the fact that he was laying here feeling like death but nearly all his fault, but if I wanted him to trust me again then it was my job to help him.

His gorgeous natural blue eyes were black. His hands were cold as I clutched them tighter. "Relax," I said, beginning to concentrate on the pain rupturing inside of him. Me and the boys watched as Logan's arm tightened up, and the black flooding discomfort spread down his arms, through his finger tips and into mine as I had begun taking away his pain.

Logan's eyes flashed gold and he bit his lip, and I strained my neck in agony when the tenderness of his aching body had been taken in. I breathed harshly, but Logan was starting to lay back and calm down, and slowly fall back asleep. The dark trails kept coming, until he was completely back into the state of dreaming and I could let go.

"You guys just keep getting weirder everyday," Niall said, putting his arms behind his head. "God damn,"

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