Chapter Forty Eight

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"You were there, that night. The night he bit me. I was chased into the woods, an he attacked me. I came back to the hotel room and you asked what was wrong, but I didn't want to be bothersome. Overtime, I've just learned to deal with it. The boys helped me out. It's what I am now."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

My mums eyes were swollen. She sat in a chair over in the corner of the hotel room, I was on the edge of the window seal. Gemma went to bed early, frustrated and confused. She was asleep in the other room.

The boys were in our hotel room a floor up, all tired and restless after the show.

"I didn't know how. And I've been away so long, I figured it didn't matter." I shrugged.

"Harry, you're a werewolf, and you didn't tell me. You had a boyfriend, you didn't tell me. Your boyfriend was a damn vampire, you hadn't told me." She stood up, voice raising. I could hear the pace of her heartbeat raising, it went faster and faster with anticipation and worry.

"Shh," I said, sitting her back down. "I'm sorry." Was all I could think to say.

She covered her eyes as she began crying once more.

"I must go," I said, gazing out the window at the bright stars. "I can talk to you in the morning, but it's been a rough day."

It wasn't until I reached the doorknob when she replied. She stood up, and was stepping closer slowly with each word.

"What I said, back at the arena, wasn't true. I love you Harry, and I will love you no matter how old you grow or what you do or what supernatural creature you become.." She let out a tiny laugh through her tears.

I looked passed my shoulder.

"I love you too," I said. And I hugged her and kissed her head.

"I miss you, Harry."

"I miss you more, love."

We hugged for a while, but not long enough. My mum was a trouper, she has been through a lot with me and she puts up with it. And I love her a lot for that.

Louis had been waiting outside the room for me, leaned up against the wall and in hallway.

"How is she?" He asked.

"Good," I said, shutting the door lighting and shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Good.." He replied, letting out a deep sigh.

We were both silent on our way to the elevator. I pressed the up bottom and crossed my arms, rocking back in my heels.

"Today sucked." I stated the obvious.

"I've had worse." Louis shrugged.

I cocked my head at him. "You killed your sister,"

"If we're being honest here, Harold, she was never really a sister to me at all."

We walked into the elevator and pressed the button of the next floor. There was a very sore feeling in the back of my throat, the one you dread to feel before your burst into tears.

"So you don't care?" I asked as we arrived on our floor.

He shrugged. "No, I certainly care. But you're safe. Which is all I care about."

Exiting, I strolled by his side with my arms wrapped around his and I kissed his cheek. I let my head rest on his shoulder, sniffling to hold in my desperate cries.

Our room was the one neighboring Liam and Niall's, who were silently sleeping and letting all the horror of today fade.

Louis unlocked the door and I sauntered to the end of the bed and sat.

"Are you okay?" Lou stuck out his lip and threw the key onto the in-table.

I shut my eyes and breathed slowly. "Yeah, I'm fine." I covered my face with my hands. "Just, letting today sink in a bit."

Lou sat himself down next to me. He slid his icy fingers up the back of my shirt and dot my spine.

"I don't want you feeling like this." He whispered, knowing that I was nothing but impassive tonight. He turned his body towards me and used both his hands to push me onto my back.

I pushed him back up and leaned over my knees, covering my face with my hands and beginning to sob into my palms. Sex couldn't make me feel less worthless right now.

"I feel like.." I spoke with glass in my throat. "I'm a ruin."

Louis put his hands on my back, rubbing to calm me. "You're not, Harry, just-"

But I stopped him. He couldn't say anything that couldn't convince me otherwise. "I cause pain, Lou. Logan is dead because of me. My mother is disappointed because of me, and my sister is scared because of me. I can't help but go completely insane and out of my mind. I don't feel like myself, I don't want this." I cried, pushing my face into his collar.

I was about to speak again when my tears got in the way of my words and I started balling and sniffling.

Louis interrupted my struggle with a kiss. He passionately pressed his lips onto mine and they danced together. His lips were soft, I put my hand on the side of his face and held onto him, feeling secure. He grabbed my shoulders. The way he kissed me was different than he had before, because it seems that every other time we had kissed it was because we were happy, but this time, the two of us kissed in sorrow, ever so slowly letting our lips take us away as our emotions drown us.

He pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes. His fascinating, charming blue eyes that held nothing supernatural, just his own self and soul in the iris. And he said to me,

"I love you, Haz. I have always loved you. I've been waiting decades just to love you. And I will always love you." He held my head between his hands and kept me focused on each word.

"I've fallen in love," I replied, diving into him and placing one more kiss upon his sweet lips. His beauty was indescribable, his words were utterly perfect and he himself was the reason I keep myself alive.

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