Chapter Nine

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It was the probably the hardest thing I had ever done in my entire life, but that night I gathered all 3 boys with me in the living space for a quick talk.

I felt weird, this wasn't something I expected to say. Niall helped me out quite some bit with getting the words out, but we both clearly explained that I was now a werewolf.

Louis grunted, still completely in disbelief of anything I say, but Liam listened closely to the information we had given.

We even explained Zayn, how he came after me when everyone had gone that night. We explained the facts we found, about sense enhancements and automatic healing and my strength.

"So, when your nervous, and your heartbeat goes up, you change into a werewolf?" Liam asked, furrowing his eyebrow.

"I know, it sounds absolutely crazy but I'm not shitting anyone."

"I believe you," Liam admitted, folding his arms. "But this is definitely a challenge. Especially cos we all know our heart beats go up by a thousand when it comes to performing. Now, Harry, have you found a way to resist it? Like, to control the turning?"

"There is, but it take a while to accomplish-"

"I can't believe you guys are believe this bullshit!" Louis stands up, flailing his arms. "He says he a fucking werewolf and that Zayn tried killing him, does it make any sense to you?!"

"Louis, I know it's hard to understand but no one would lie about this, especially in a period of their life such as this. And it's also not at the top of our list of worries, aight? Let's just focus on Torn.." Liam made me extremely happy by the way he stood up for me.

"Thanks Liam."


Tomorrow morning was the morning that we would be performing the song we have worked wee so hard on, Torn, to perform at the judges houses.

Me and Niall stayed awake in our bedrooms up until 12:00 am on the internet learning more about werewolves.

"Oh, hey, this is pretty cool." Niall caught my attention and pointed to the laptops screen. "It says that you're able to heal yourself, like stitch up your wounds and cuts and stuff."

"Oh, damn." I added. "That's why the bite healed a bit after it was given to me."

"Guess so." Niall said, glued to the screen and scrolling down to find out more.

"Oh, does it say anything about the best ways to control shifting?" I ask. This was the thing I was most worried about, because it would surely get us eliminated if I got too stressed or whatnot for a performance and blew it for all 4 of us.

"Er, no, not really. Just getting used to the change and whatever. That sucks, mate."

Yeah, it really did. "Anything else I should know?" I asked.

"Uhh.. Yeah, here it says that on nights of the full moon, Betas are nearly uncontrollable when it comes to changing. It says you're even deadly at times and murderous."

Uncontrollable. Deadly. Murderous. Is that really what I had become? All in one bite. One second I'm jolly and the next I could kill someone. I mean, sure there were benefits such as the healing and the better hearing, but at this moment was the first I had realized that this was intense, a lot more intense than I had thought. I could kill someone, I could get caught for being like this, I could have my entire future smashed because of his little bite.

"I need sleep, Ni. I need sleep so I can't wake up and just erase this from my mind and sit up out of my bed in the morning and feel happy because this was all a dream. None of this happened, hell, I bet I'm not even on the XFactor. I probably can't even sing. Heh. What a great dream."

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