Chapter Forty Five

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It was wrong not to keep going. We started our destination to do something, we all knew that it meant more than anything to Logan, and he would want us to.

"I rather die knowing that I at least helped as much as I could, and even with the slightly possibility of helping him in a littlest bit, than not doing anything."

His voice was in my head.

We also thought it was wrong for Dylan not to see him before we made a burial, so we kept his body with us, which we all knew was quite weird but also right.

No one had even made the slightest sound for the rest of the ride. Louis went quicker, forcing his frustration and sadness into the gas pedal.

We arrived with 14 hours left.

There was a special smile that was on Louis' face when he saw his old house for the first time in decades. It did look like a house from the early 1800's, with cracked wood lined across each side like a puzzle, it wasn't very big but obviously meant a lot to Louis.

We all four got out of the car at once, slamming the doors and following Louis. He had his eyes focused on the house, and seemed quite upset and melancholy about it. I could imagine him as a little kid, running around it and inside, playing with his toys and giggling with baby Lottie.

This was also the first time I had ever seen Louis' skin in sunlight, as he walked ahead of us and directly under the sun. His skin was that of diamonds. Where the light hit on him, was a design of sparks and silver. It didn't hurt him. He was incredible.

We ran passed the house and around the the backyard, which was surrounded by the woods and gave me a mystical feeling.

Just as we knew, only feet back from the house was a gazebo. It didn't look like it was doing much harm at all, but then Louis showed us the door to get down.

He had to put this code in, one installed in the pole of the gazebo that was under a flap of wood, then typed in on a device. With that, the middle of the gazebo slid open, and there were lots of stairs to get us down.

We were all circled around it, looking down to the fog in the depth below us.

"Ready boys?" Liam asked, grabbing mine and Niall's hands.

I nodded, grabbing Louis and he grabbed Niall's hand. He squeezed my hand, very tight, as we one by one entered.

It was mostly just dark down there, and trashed. I expected a large open areas of futuristic novelties and weapons and machines, but all I saw were chains on the walls and broken glass and dirt.

We heard a scream. A very, loud a aggravated scream that was muffled.

The four of us turned around at once, to find Dylan. He was locked in a sort of cage, chained at his ankles and wrists, and had tape over his mouth. He was dirty, with stuff and his face and blood on his wrists from trying to break free. The cage was extremely small for him, he had been hunched over beneath the top like his back was broken.

Lottie wasn't here. I don't know where she was or if she'd be coming, but I couldn't catch her scent anywhere around here. I just prayed she wouldn't show.

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