Chapter Fifty One

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"Harry, won't you come out here, please?" Louis called me from the yard. I was in my bedroom, laying down across the bed and I sat up to slip my shoes on and see what he needed.

It was June of 2015. We were on a small break from touring and got to come home for a few some days, and the sun was glistening outside and made the air feel light and careless.

My hair was long and I let it fly in the breeze, teasing it with my fingers. I was in sweatpants, feeling quite lazy today as I went through the living space and to the door.

"What is it, Lou?" I shouted, opening backyards sliding glass door.

Suddenly all my attention was brought to a gorgeous center piece of flowers, placed beautifully in a aisle path down the patios steps and down the yard.

They were a selection of lilac lilies and white roses, I was mesmerized. I stepped down the patio stairs down to the grass, and only feet ahead of me was Louis at the end of the trail of flowers, wearing a black suit and a bow tie that corresponded with the lily flowers. His hair was gelled up, just the way I loved it.

He was beneath a freshly built wood trellis with flowers blooming up the sides and around the roof, petals falling into Louis' hair. Niall, Liam, and Dylan stood directly behind him, also in suits.

I covered my mouth, feeling my heart fall as I stepped along the path of flowers and burning vanilla candles.

"Louis.." I giggled, stepping slower towards him and biting my lip. Louis had the biggest grin on his face, he was trying to hold it in, and his cheeks were softly pink.

I noticed, this being the first time I had ever seen his bare skin under natural sunlight, that he was shimmering painlessly. It was almost like his skin were made of diamonds, and he was flawless.

I reached my final steps towards him, and stood directly in his way looking straight into his eyes and his gracious smile.

"Harry," He beams. Niall cannot stop giggling behind the trellis. Liam punched him in the shoulder to make him shut up.

"What's going on?" I ask, grabbing both his hands and looking about.

"I have something I need to tell you," He squeezed my fingers and looked deep into my eyes. He was beautiful, words could barely express his absolute beauty or tell the way I was feeling within the moment.

"Hes, when we first met, I thought you were a douche. I wanted nothing to do with you because you ticked me off. However, I don't regret it. Because we might not have ended up here.

"There's been lots of surprises between us, arguments, tears, blah, blah. But at the end of the day, what counts is our love. And I love you. I've lived for over two hundred years to wait for your presence, to ear your voice and and touch your skin. And, I would've waited two hundred more if I had to.

"You're gorgeous. I love you from your frog legs to your senseless tattoos to the top of head of ever so flawless curls."

Louis began to cry. He wiped his nose and kept on speaking.

"You know, I remember the first moment I had with you. The first real moment that is, one that was lovely and unforgettable. I was out on the balcony,  still in our XFactor house and looking upon the stars and you walked out to see me. You asked me all sorts of questions, and you tolerated me and were genuinely kind to me, though I was a dick to you.." He chuckled. "I told you that you were different, and that I wasn't sure if I liked it or not yet.

"Oh, trust me, Harry, it's my favorite thing about you.

"You make me happy; and I want you to know that. I want to make you happy, too. I want you to be in my arms, and know it's okay with me and we can lay together and wonder with each other for as long as they let us.

"I've said it a million times, but I love you. And I'll not stop saying it."

Then, he got down on his knee.

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