Chapter Twenty Nine

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We released What Makes You Beautiful a week later. Liam wrote it. It made me incredibly and exceptionally happy, knowing that I had actually let out a single for everyone to hear. I mean, I actually felt useful in life.

"Louis?" I asked. We had worked hard for the past week on recording the new single and promoting it before dropping it, and today was the first day we had at our home so we could relax. I had my head off the end of the bed as I threw my phone up and caught it repeatedly.

Louis was on the opposite side of the bed, his head was up against the back board and legs crossed near my head.

"What?" His voice was tired from all the recording all week, so he spoke ever so softly and lightly.

"Do you suck peoples blood?" I had been wondering this for quite sometime, but, obviously, it was hard to ask.

"I have to, to stay alive." He scoffed.


"I suck yours, stupid." He let out a sly laugh.

"You suck my blood?!" I dramatically swung my head up so I could look at him right in the eye, absolutely struck.

"Yeah? Ever seen the fucking marks I leave on you after sex each night?"

I put my hand on the back of my neck. Lou laughed.

"Wait- then why aren't I a vampire?"

"Jesus Christ, Harry, you can't have everything in the world, you whore." He thought he was the fucking funniest fuck in the whole world as he beamed.  "It's because you're a werewolf, and though you have human blood in times of you being a human, we are so alike supernaturally that it's almost like a vampire sucking on another vampire, which won't do a thing."

"How long were you planning on keeping this from me?" I fold my arms.

"Dunno. You just make me thirsty,"

"You're gross."

His smile was beautiful.

"Got any other questions for me?'

"Actually," I sat up fully, bringing my feet around the sit criss-crossed. "Is blood all you eat?" I asked, thinking back to every single time that I had been eating, yet he was just sitting and allowing it, looking starved but shameless.

"Er, yes. Occasionally. I'm not as hungry as other vampires. I've learned control over it unlike most."

"Does it taste good to you?" I ask. The thought of drinking blood made me gag. It was horrifying as the way I see it, drinking the metallic tasting fluid of human figures, what an awful idea.

"Depends on the person. Some people's blood taste like shit. Absolute and utter shit. Like diarrhea in my mouth." He sticks his tongue out a cringes.

"But'" He put his finger to me. "Some others, however, it is soOoOOoooOo fuCKING GOOD. Like, the kind that you can smell from miles away. Mm. Delicious." He gestures like a chef.

"And mine?" I look at him.

"Yours? Harry, I could smell your blood from the airport when you first arrived and we didn't even know each other. Yours is rich and just- Mm. Mmmm."

"Please stop,"

"Almost as good as your dick."

"Okay stop,"

He snickered.

I was feeling extremely light headed from that talk, and sort of wanted to vomit now. So I changed the subject.

"I get that you're a vampire and you always wear clothes to protect your skin from sunlight, but why? Like, what happens to you?"

He cocks his head and shrugs. "I just get really ugly."

"Lou!" I yell. "You're not ugly, nothing could make you ugly, don't say that you fucktard."

"It just makes my skin look like someone bedazzled me." He pouts his bottom lip, paying more attention to a hangnail on his finger than he is to my questions.

"Can you show me?" I lean in to him.

Lou chuckles. "Sometime,"

He was bored. But I kept on with the questions, wildly interested.

"What about your family, did you say? You said your sister was still around, yeah? Her name is Lottie, isn't that what I heard?"

"Hes, enough with the questions.." He groans, throwing his head back and rolling his eyes.

"No, no, no, just this one more, I promise."

"Fine. She's my little sister by 6 years. God knows where she is right now." He looked irretated, as if he wasn't fond of his own sister.

"How come you don't know?"

"She had this habit of running away from home, at first it was just a game because she thought she was funny, and after she grew up a bit she would actually run away if she were sad or upset for whatever reason. My mum would always be able to find her, but one day, she just didn't."

"So she could be dead?"

"No, no. Because I would know. Vampires are really close with their families, I know in the back of my head and I feel that she's alive somewhere. She's always been smart, I have no doubts that she's been able to keep herself alive all these years."

Louis was now properly sitting on the bed with his legs crossed and his elbows on his knees, holding up his head. I liked it when he got deep into conversation like this, because he acted really mature and took the time to elaborate and hear me. It meant a lot more than he thought.

"Do you mind telling me where your parents and the rest of your siblings went?" I asked, praying the mere question wouldn't upset him.

Lou turned and looked at me. He didn't really smile, but just sort of let a little nervous laugh break from his lips. "They died. They're all gone except for Lottie, they've died because of the hunters- there's not just werewolf hunters, you know, there's also vampire hunters and they'll kill you without a breath if you're in their sight. Lottie and I there when it happened, but like I said before, Lottie is extremely clever and definitely an escape artist, she got out and I was right behind her."

I nodded, keeping silent. His stories were very interesting and I could honestly listen to his angelic voice say anything in anyway all day long.

The conversation died really quick after that. The both of us just sat motionless and quiet for a while before getting up. It made me sad that Louis was unable to die without physically being killed and had to live all these years without his family. I got up off the bed, but then walked beside him and sat back down. I put my head on his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek.

"Do you miss them?" I asked.

"Not as much as you'd probably think. I'm glad they're safe now."

"You're not?"

"Never have been, and no matter what, never will be." He sighed. "They're looking for me as we speak, Harry."

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