Chapter Eighteen

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Only 3 more performances left on the XFactor. Our upcoming one, the finals, and then the face-off, and we were all praying to make it even that far. I could quite say in words the feelings that I had.

The four of us stood behind the red curtain, about five minutes before it was set to open. I took deep breaths, I was feeling okay while talking with Niall to my left. Then, I take a look to my right and standing beside Liam is Louis.

I focused my eyes on him, he was sort of shaking and I could hear his heartbeat rapidly. It was the loudest and the quickest that had ever been put to my ear.

He was in absolute panic mode. I set down my microphone and stepped over to his side.

"Lou-" I reached my arm out and put it on his shoulder, but he pushed it away- then realized what he has just done.

"Harry, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there, I just-" He looked like he was about to cry.

"Lou, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, I just, I really don't know but I can't seem to breathe,"

"Come with me," I took his arm and dragged him away from the other boys. They turned around to try and see what was going on, but I just motioned them with my hand, signaling I was going to take care of everything.

Exiting the room, I don't bother shutting the door and let it slam behind me. I try pushing him ahead, but he doesn't want to let go of me and ends of locking his fingers with mine.

I open the door to the toilets and then shut the door kindly and lean up against it. "Louis, tell me what's wrong."

"I- I am- I feel like I am-"

"Deep breaths, deep breaths," I speak calmly, although I feel so extremely worked up inside it's nearly impossible.

He closes his eyes, sticks out his chest to bring in gulps of air, then releases it, opening his eyes once more- but they're different. His eyes are much different than before, they're like mine. They're glowing and are shining with pure anxiousness and hesitation and scarce.

I rub his back, making circles with my hand and whispering sweet words in his ears.

"Tell me what's on your mind,"

"It's just that-" He stops to let go of a few tears. "I saw something."

"How so?"

"Remember when I told you that sometimes, I can tell what's going to happen in the future?"


"Well," He bit his lip and sighed. "On our way here, I saw us loosing. We lost the competition, Harry."

My heart was already in my stomach just from seeing Louis' tears, but by now it had sunk to my feet. There were no words coming out from my mouth. I was so incredibly heartbroken.

"I wish that- that I wasn't able to see ahead, I wish I could just try my best and keep looking to win, but I can't. I just am not able to erase it from my head. All I-I wanted was for us to make it. And it seems that we can't."

"Hey, Lou, look at me." I take his chin and turn his head so he's facing me. I kiss his forehead. "It doesn't matter if we win or not. The four of us have an amazing talent and even if we are cut from the XFactor, we have come so far that we could be able to make it on our own."

He sniffs, then cries a bit more in disbelief.

"Are you able to look ahead farther in time and see us making it?"

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