Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Where are they?"

"I don't know."

"Is there anywhere we could go?"

"I don't know."

"Are we just gonna wait?"

I was sitting on my front porch steps with Logan and Oops. It was pouring down rain, we sat under the patio cover and watched the drops pound against the cement as if frustrated tears. Oops was dancing out in the road, exploring the freshly drawn droplets. The rain made me sad, more than I'd been in a very long time.

"I don't know." I wiped my nose with my sleeve.

Logan sighed. He began tapping his fingers on his thigh and looking about. "Where is everyone else?"

"Inside, ignoring each other. We're all in sort of an argument, not sure when it's all going to be over with, but for now we are all separated."

"And what about you and Louis?"

Louis. His name made me even more sad then the rain had. I took a deep breath. "I don't know." I repeated once again. "I really don't know about anything, at this point." I put my hands in my hair, stretching, feeling claustrophobic and uncomfortable.

The two of us didn't speak for a long while. We both stared off, watching the rain fall to the ground and glared at Oops who was trying to catch the drop in his paws and licking them off the pavement and jumping about.

"How are you?" I finally asked, turning to Logan.

Logan sat up straight and looked at me. "I'm good."

"How are you doing with control?"

He exhaled deeply before he answered. "Better." He was lying, but I didn't want to bother expanding the topic because it seemed to upset him.

"I should go. I'm tired. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight," I told him as he walked off the steps and into the pouring rain.

Soon after he had walked off, there was a faint scream, that only me, Logan, and Oops could have heard. Oops' ears shot up and his head jerked around the where the noise was coming from. I stopped in my tracks, looking to Logan. We both knew it was coming from his house.

Without any hesitation I ran out into the rain, scooped up Oops in my hands and running with Logan at my side across the street and to his front lawn. There was another scream, I could make it out perfectly to be Dylan's by this point. Logan put his hands on the door and tried to open it, but it was locked.

"Why the fuck is it locked?!" I shouted.

"I didn't lock it!" He yelled back as he kept shaking the door handle.

"Move," I said, putting Oops on the ground and pushing him aside. I put both my hands on the knob and pushed as hard as I could and broke it forcefully, then kicked open the door. Logan and the dog followed behind me as I tried to find where Dylan could be.

There was one last yelp, Dylan violently screaming, "HARR-" before he was cut off somehow.

"DYLAN!" I shrieked. I raced into his bedroom where I saw the window open, and precious little Lottie smiling back at me, before taking off out into the foggy skies.

I stomped my foot and I screamed. Seeing her take Dylan off had gone way too far- torturing me by ruining my innocent friends lives was too much. I could see Logan beginning to cry. I hugged him, whispering in his ear and quieting his loud sobs.

I was bursting with complete rage and my skin felt too tight around my body. I let go of Logan. Everything was blurry, I couldn't see and I couldn't hear and I couldn't feel anything but pain deep, deep, within me. It was like it couldn't get worse from here.

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