Chapter Thirteen

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"Harry?" The faint sound of my voice rings in the back of my head. I look up from my phone and see Niall walking in from the back room, playing with his fingers and anxiously rubbing his hands together.

"Hm?" I ask.

"You know, tonight is a, er," He stops a moment and bites his lip. "A full moon."

I ran my hands through my hair, taking a deep breath. It hadn't even occurred to me about the full moon; but now that it was on my mind, it suddenly worried me.

That's what happened with Zayn. There was a full moon when he had bitten me, he acted absolutely insane and bizarre, I didn't want that happening to me. Hell, he tried to kill me. I didn't want to kill anyone, I didn't even want to merely bite anyone.

My heart pounded faster as Niall swung his legs. "What are you going to do?" He asked.

"I don't know," I sighed.

"I read about it online, unless you have absolute and complete control over yourself on nights like this, you are driven crazy. You have a serious urge to hunt and kill. And being fair, I don't think you have that much focus and control over yourself to be able to survive the night."

He was right, as much as I didn't want him to be.

"So, what are we going to do?" My voice shook.

"See, there's the problem. Because I can't let you just hang out around here, or you'll most likely hurt one of us. But if I send you off somewhere else, you're probably gonna get into trouble or maybe even lost. And we can't have that." Niall put his face into his hands and groaned loudly with frustration.

"Honestly, I think your best bet might just be to lock me up in the bathroom or closet."

"H, if you can punch through a bathroom stalls door than you'll be able to break down our own bathroom door."

"Then don't let me. Put furniture in front of the door, I'm sure that the boys will help. It's just important right now to make sure no one gets hurt, so we need to do whatever it takes."

Niall mumbled something to himself. He looked around and slightly rolled his eyes, feeling stressed and upset but finally agreed. "Alright. Guess we can just lock you up in the bathroom and wait until morning."


I could already feel myself changing. Every second I felt my skin curl and get warmer, my spine grew thick and muscles began to expand.

Niall pushed me into the bathroom at around 10:30 pm that night. Everything was blurry, I took a look down at my hands and saw a hairy mess of sharp finger nails used as weapons.

I turned on the shower water so I could maybe just try and relax myself, but I could already feel the anxiety taking over every inch of my body.

The steam from the hot water filled up the room and made it hard for me to breath. I was scared. I stepped into the shower but the burning liquid burned my skin and I howled in agony.

In the reflection of the glass shower doors, I saw that I had completely changed. My eyes were golden, my sideburns grown out and wild, and fangs now very noticeable, I bit down and crunched my nose, scowling at myself in the glass.

That was all I could take. I had felt a build up inside of me since the beginning of the night, and it had gotten to the point of not being able to stand the stress much longer.

I howled in agony, in a cry of mental pain. I darted to the doorway, beginning to pound on it as hard as I possibly could. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" My voice deeper than it had ever been.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!!" I screamed out once more, feeling the wood of the door splinter into the sides of my fists. They started to bleed, drops of blood falling to the floor after every punch to the door.

The boys had put chains and furniture in front of the door, I tried my hardest to break them but they were too tough and too much.

"AAARRRGGGGGG!" I roared, punching and kicking now. I wasn't stopping until I was out. There was a feeling in my stomach followed by a sense in the back of my head telling me to get out. Get out of there, and hunt. And I followed it.

The last thing is remember is bashing my shoulder into the door and falling to the ground, then everything going dark.


"Harry?" A bright light called my attention. "Harry.."

Oh dear lord I was dead. I swear to God I was fucking dead and Jesus ducking Christ was speaking to me and calling my name fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

"What the fuck happened to you?"

Okay it was Niall nevermind lmao.

"Ni?" I speak slowly.

"Yeah, it's me mate."

"What happened?" I ask, looking around the bathroom. I don't think I have ever seen so much damage. The walls were smashed and the door had small holes here and there, along with long bald spots in places paint used to be. I looked down to my hands, they had been quite damaged last night but seemed to be perfect this morning with not merely a scratch.

"You were pretty.." He stopped to find the right word to say. "Dangerous. Terrifying." Niall pursed his lips.

My eyes stung badly. I looked behind me in the mirror and saw that they were bright red and swollen.

"What did I do?" I questioned, getting a real sore feeling all over my body, my spine was numb and it was hard to even move around.

"Well," Niall sighed, deeply. "You were a monster. You pounded on the door awhile, howled quite a bit and screamed, then you sort of broke the door. You came real damn close to getting out, which scared me and the boys more than anything."

He described me as a terrifying monster, the last thing I wanted to be.

I began to cry.

"Oh, no, H. Don't cry." He said, kneeling down and rubbing my back with his one hand.

"I don't want to be like this, Niall, this isn't anything I want." I pouted and breathed a bit harder.

Niall was speechless, but, what was he supposed to say? I couldn't blame him for telling me the truth, though.

I covered my eyes and weeped. I looked up to see that Liam and Louis had just walked in, standing over me and Niall on the floor and looking sorry- well, Liam looked sorry.

"What's wrong, H?" Louis teased.

"Not now, Louis." I scoffed.

"Cmon, man up, H. Don't be like that-"

I wasn't gonna let him talk to me like that, I didn't care who he was. My eyes flashed with anger and I jerked towards him a bit to scare him off while
my teeth got sharp, I hissed. He put his hands up in surrender.

I pulled my knees to my chest, then let my head sink between my legs. My hands were caught in my hair. My muscles were lazy as I dropped my arms to the ground. In complete honesty, I don't think I had ever been so sad in my entire life.

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