Chapter Twenty Six

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I don't think that Louis could've been more pissed that he had to drive Logan and Dylan to their condo. He literally sat there, white knuckles on the wheel, frowning and constantly sighing to physically show how much fun he wasn't having.

Dylan was upset, too. I didn't know why, I didn't bother to ask, but most the time he was just curled up in his seat with his arms folded and his eyes out the window, completely ignoring all of us.

He was sat in the passengers seat with Logan behind him and I behind Lou. I was talking with Logan, he was telling me about his home life and how he got around, just him and Dylan. He was a lot more outgoing now that he knew who I was and knew he was safe, which was fantastic.

"How are you feeling, Dylan?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.


"We can stop, if you need us to- if you want water, or-"

"I'm fine, I said."

"Don't be a dick, they're only trying to help." Logan chimed in. "If it weren't for Harry, you'd probably be dead in that smashed car right now!"

Dylan whipped his head around to face Logan, staring him dead in the eyes. "I would've healed, anyways." His voice got deep and serious, quickly.

"He took away your pain so you could heal! Admit that without them you'd be dead!" Logan shouted, getting even closer in his brothers face.

"Maybe you should've left me to die!"

The tension in the room got thicker within the next few seconds. There were tears beginning to come from Dylan's eyes, showing the extreme amount of frustration inside.

He looked quite embarrassed as he sat back in his seat, returning his eyes to behind the window.

It wasn't long before we pulled up in front of their building. Dylan immediately opened the car door and then slammed it, which caught Lou's attention. "Hey, bud! I get your pissed but don't take it the fuck out on my car, aight?!"

Dylan disappeared.

"I could kill him so easily, he doesn't even know." Louis whispered, scowling.

Logan got out of the car and thanked Louis and I, then following behind Dylan. I hopped into the passengers seat, Louis was about to step on it but I stopped him.

"What now?!" He threw his arms in the air.

"Just wait a second, I want to hear what they're saying-"

I began to listen in on their conversation as they walked up the stairs.

"What's wrong with you? I can't believe how rude you are to those guys who are trying to keep both of us alive!" Logan was just steaming with annoyance.

"You don't get it, Logan. Harry was only being nice to get us to stay along with him, for us to join his pack, which only benefits him, it makes him stronger. We get nothing."

He was only half correct. Yes, having them both in my pack would make me stronger and give me much more power, but I didn't want them in it just to benefit me, I want to keep them along side me to protect not only theme but the werewolf population. Also, just by talking to Logan I could tell that even they didn't know much about their own kind, he didn't know what to do with himself and knew just barely enough to get by, which could hurt him in this world.

Logan kept talking. "But he told me that there are hunters, you know? People out there trying to kill us. Harry could teach us to protect ourselves."

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