Chapter Thirty Two

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It was now May of 2012. I had just turned 18. We were a while through our first ever tour, by the name of Up All Night, showcasing our album. It'd been almost a year since me and Louis had even touched. And the reason for that was not only our choices in order to protect each other, but the managements.

The management for the tour was Modest! and I sort of wanted to punch them all in the face and rip their cocks off.

What's happened is that paps leaked photos that were said to be of me and Louis in the Marriott Hotel room from a year ago- and there are a million things wrong with that statement. For one, me and Louis wouldn't have been in a fucking hotel room a year ago. We were in our condos by then. Second, One Direction also has never stayed in a Marriott Hotel, we stay in Hotel 41. And last, only someone as stupid as Niall would leave the windows open in a hotel bedroom when you're having sex, definitely not me and Louis.

But, we weren't given a say and now in interviews and photoshoots and all this shit, we aren't allowed to merely stand next to each other, because apparently our relationship would be sending out the wrong message to fans. If me and Lou were to be caught doing anything, anything at all, down to even holding each others hand, we could get in loads of trouble with our stupid ass cunt managers.

Because we had left our house in London for the tour, we also had left Dylan and Logan. They were mostly safe, but who knows how long it'll be before one of them is caught. That's the one thing I'm afraid of with us being gone, I'm afraid of Logan getting hurt, uncertain of Dylan's protection. They call us most days, just to let us know how it's been going.

But I think the saddest part was that it's been a year. It's been a year since me and Louis have merely touched one another's soft skin and held the others darling fingers, and even worse is that I'm still not used to it. I'm not used to coming home and barely greeting him. I still expect to crawl into bed with him and feel his hair between my fingers and let my nose nuzzle his.

I drifted off to sleep that night feeling alright though. I was okay. Louis was okay.

We did share a hotel room though. I felt safe in the same room as him, not that I wouldn't with both Liam and Niall, but being with Louis was different. He made me feel different.

I didn't sleep for long. Not until Louis, who was on the laptop, sat up and out of his bed with surprise and sudden epiphany. "Harry,"

"Huh?" I grunt, in no mood for chatting. My voice was raspy and tired from the non-stop singing on tour for months.

He takes a moment to reply, looking around the room as if he's making sure of it that no one is listening.

"I know who really killed Zayn."

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