Chapter Twenty Seven

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That was the last thing I remember before waking up in my own bed, mid-afternoon. I sat up with the sheets wrapped around my legs and the pillows thrown around behind me. I was almost relieved, thinking that the television program was just a dream, until Louis knocked on the door.

"Hey, Haz. You alright?"

I looked around the room. I didn't know how I got into bed, but I didn't ask and just told him that I was feeling fine and that I was sorry for overreacting earlier. He said to me that it wasn't my fault, and that we had gotten into a horrid situation by not watching ourselves. I told him to stop saying 'us', that none of this was because of him.

"What have you been doing all day?" I asked, pulling off the covers and sitting up straight with him next to me.

"Not much, working with Simon. It's been boring."

I nodded. He handed me a glass of water from the dresser.

"Where's Niall and Liam?"

"Simon took them to start up with writing records and stuff. I didn't want to leave you here alone, so I told him that we would meet up with him and do it tomorrow."

I smiled, loving that Louis cared so much.

I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a very gracious hug, gently nuzzling my nose against his neck.

A very harsh and immediate pounding interrupted us. It was alarming and made the hair on my arms stand. It was coming from the front door, me and Louis looked at each other before jumping off the bed and racing to the door.

Lou beat me to it, looking through the peep hole to see who it was. Not that it was the right time to be fanboying or anything, but Lou had to stand on his tiptoes to look through the hole and I don't think I had ever seen anything cuter in my entire life.

He dropped to his heels and turned to me within awkward expression. "It's Dylan,"

"What?" I said, pushing him out of the way to see for myself. Sure enough, there was Dylan, standing with his fingers twisted nervously and sweating on our doorstep.

I hesitated to open it, but finally did when he started knocking again, sounding aggravated.

I swung open the door, he looked surprised that I answered.

"What the fuck do want." Louis said behind me, acting stubborn already.

"Harry, Harry and you, Louis, I need you both."

"Why?" I crossed my arms.

"Because-" he gulped, out of breath. "Because the hunters are here. They're walking around our complex, I saw them coming home from the store. I fucking hate admitting it but I really need you, I don't know how protect my brother.." He pouted, his face turning red as if he were about to begin sobbing.

I would have loved to completely rub it in his face right now that we had absolutely wrong and that he does need me to stay alive, but we could be dead in a matter if minutes if I didn't do something quick.

"Where's Logan?" I asked, trying as hard as I could to act like I knew what I was doing.

"Still in the house. I came straight over here, not knowing what to do with him."

"But how did you know they were hunters?" Lou asked.

"They had guns, and certain tasers that can only hurt werewolves. I've seen the weapons before online, they can seriously hurt us and I may not know much but I do know that those fuckers want to fucking kill us."

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