Chapter Thirty Four

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Louis' words were sharp. They sounded painful as they slipped through his shaky lips. I furrowed my eyebrows, hoping that it was a misunderstanding. There was a moment of forced silence, in which I wanted desperately to speak but just couldn't no matter how hard I had tried.

I felt even worse as I watched him cry. I hesitated to finally talk.

"Can you explain?"

He shook his head, dropping it. "No, not really. But it was her, it was definitely her- I saw it. I wish I could tell you more, but I don't even know that much."

It was really hard for me to understand, mixed with the tears I began shedding and the hormonal headache.

"Harry, as vampires, we can't have everything, it's just not realistic, and some are stronger than others. I am not able to see everything's that's happening and am somehow only able to see bits and pieces of what's important."

"What makes her stronger than you? Is she the one blocking you?"

"She could be. And some vampires senses and ways are more enhanced because of the lifestyle. Those with the benefits tend to be stronger, braver. Others just can't make that." He sighed.

I looked down to my feet. I began to whimper. I heard Louis pout.

"And-" He added, tears flooding his face now, he was looking even more pale than usual at this point, his tone was depressed and hesitant. "I don't think that's the worst part-" He wipes his face. I move closer to him. "The worst part is that, she's after you. She wants to actually kill you, Harry. She had probably gotten Zayn's soul to convince you that it was you who killed him, to cover herself up."

The feeling that took me over was uncomfortable, it brought me to my feet because every little blood vessel that had made up my body had turned cold and gave me chills, I felt ill and like I was all of the sudden dying.

It was as if that weren't bad enough already, and the next couple mornings Liam's dad wouldn't stop calling up Liam's phone. Every single time, he would say something along the lines of, "Don't trust the curly haired one, he's no good-". He began leaving messages when we didn't pick up, he was begging Liam to leave back to home and I'm also pretty sure that he's been the one sending the hunters out after us.

It seemed that everyone was after me. Lottie, the hunters with her, Liam's father. There were not words simple enough to exactly describe the feeling of everyone wanting you dead, because of something that you couldn't help, something you couldn't control. I was desperate for help but looking around, there was nowhere to find it. I was lost.


We left our hotel to head to the airport around 6 am. It was still dark, we were in New York City and driving to our flight that would take us to Camden. If there's one thing I have taken away from New York City, is that people just seem to be mean. The paparazzi here give us no space, whatsoever. The cameras are right up against our faces and they're all screaming and yelling and it gives me major anxiety.

Even tonight, just stepping out of the car at the airport, there were already tons of men with cameras and flashes and video recorders and lined up behind them were a group of girls screaming and wanting photos. I was feeling ill from the past few days, and honestly I didn't want anything to do with anybody tonight.

Paul lead the way, and there was another guard who stood behind us.

"Harry! Harry! Over here!" They screamed. They tried to get me to look up from the pavement, but I didn't. "Harry!"

When they didn't get my attention, they moved onto Louis. They raced over to him and began shoving the cameras now into his face and taking endless photos and videos. "Louis! We have questions for you!"

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