Chapter Turty Seven

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We went home the next Tuesday. Liam wouldn't talk to us. Niall tried, but he wasn't clear and mumbled, his accent got in the way of each word and he somehow developed a nervous lisp and stutter when he wanted to speak with us.

Me and Lou rarely talked either, but the first thing we did when he got back to the house was drop our things and visit Dylan and Logan.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do while I was over there, or what I was going to say, because honestly everything was just so fucked right now.

Turns out, I didn't have to say anything. Right as I knocked on the door, it was like Logan was already standing behind it when it swung open in front of me and he jumped onto me, squeezing me between his arms and deepening his face into my chest.

I put my head I top of his head, rubbing his back. Logan was muffling into my shirt, praising me and telling me how he missed me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, pulling away and kneeling down to his level.

He wiped his tears and nodded. "I was so scared for you, Harry. And Louis, too."

Louis smiled at him.

Dylan came down the stairs soon enough. He smiled at my presence and hurried to me, wrapping his arms around me. "I'm so happy you're here,"

"Me too,"

"Have the hunters been by lately?" Lou asked.

"Not recently, but I haven't a doubt that now since you two are back they'll come around." Dylan spoke up, pushing his hands further into his pockets.

Logan slouched, biting his lip and sniffing as if a wave of nerve wrecking anticipation had just overcome him.

"Hey, you're going to be alright." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "The thing is that they haven't done anything to hurt us yet because they honestly can't. We have so much more against them, we also heal and are stronger. Don't worry a bit about it, everything is fine."

He wiped his tears and nodded.


It had been a great while since I had sat been in my own bed. I had been resting against the headboard, running my hands along the sheets and just taking a moment to breathe.

Louis was in the shower. He was singing. He was singing softly and beautifully, each word melting off his lips.

I closed my eyes and I listened. What a wonderful person to have in my life.

Sitting up, I kicked my shoes onto the floor and stared at the bathroom door. I got myself up off the bed and walked to it, pressing my ear up against the door and listening.

What he was singing was something I'd never heard before, but it was lovely.

"Tell me with your mind, body and spirit.

I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British,

Whether we're together or apart we can both remove the masks,

and admit we regret it from the start."

I put my hand on the door knob and opened it, steam from the hot water clouding around my face. Lou was standing with his back to me, still singing, soaping up his hair. He was slightly pacing, back and forth, back and forth, not even realizing I had come in.

The mirror was fogged and the steam made sweat form on my forehead. Grabbing the bottom edge of my shirt, I pulled it up over my head then threw it on the ground. I took one step closer, then unlatched my belt buckle and dropped my trousers to my ankles, the sliding them off my feet.

Finally, I took the waistline of my briefs and let them drop to the floor. This is when Louis turned around, and did nothing but stop singing and begin to grin.

He folded his arms and stared at me through the glass. I was motionless, naked on the cold floor and just looking in at him.

"Well?" He said. "Are you just gonna stand there with your dick hanging about or are you gonna get your ass in here and have a cheeky time with me?"

I didn't hesitate to swing open the sopping shower door and push him up against the tiled wall beneath the shower head, forcefully kissing his lips and moving my face against his, one hand against the shower wall and the other holding him in place.

Louis reached around and grabbed my bum, working his fingers and grasping tighter each time I moved my jaw into his.

He moaned when I took both my hands to slide peacefully down his soaking wet and soapy chest, and then back around to his lower back, which was a major sweet spot for him; the area right above his ass but directly at the bottom of his spine. I dotted it with my finger and he squirmed, shifting his shoulders and pushing me backwards, lips still against mine.

I slowly parted my mouth from his and squatted down, his belly button was right at my eye level and I put my tongue on the inside of his thigh, then dragged it up to his lower waist, then to his abdomen, and up between his chest. He kept his fingers dancing on my collar.

Louis titled his head back into the water, which softly drizzled from his hair to his toes, making his skin glisten and soft and warm.

Behind him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and felt the crease between his thighs and his dick, tickling it slightly and then brought my hands up and felt all around his chest. His head was back against my shoulder, I was thrusting into him.

His tongue was out and every time that I squeezed him or grasped him harder he would bite it, and say something like "Oo," or "Again,".

It was moments and experiences like these that really mattered to me, those moments where we couldn't give a fuck about the people hurting us or threatening us; because it just didn't seem to matter anymore when I was holding him.

Lou whipped himself around and looked at me dead in the eyes. His eyes were red, but nothing vicious; the sort of deep loving red, that looks even soft and light and nice to touch. He beamed at me. Starting at the corner of my shoulder, he dragged his tongue along the path of the blade and then stopped when he reached the side of my neck.

He lay a gentle kiss before bringing out his fangs and pushing them into the side of my throat. I gasped at first, but the feeling was nearly sensational.

His lips against me, I could feel the burst of chillness seeping from the area he left his bite and the mystic feeling made me sleepy, I was on a cloud and couldn't see or hear, just feel.

He finished off his bite with a single kiss, and the words, "I love you, Harry."

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