Chapter Eight

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I came back to practice the next day with only 2 days left until our performance at the judges house. Louis was avoiding me, of course, looking pissed and annoyed even more than usual.

Liam seemed jolly, on top of the world for no reason at all. Niall was the one to take care of me, he was constantly keeping his eye on me and had made himself my leader or some shit.

Simon came in somewhat late that day, but I was the first one he saw.

"Ah! Harry, you're back. How are your, er, Jungle Worms.." He asks, looking to Niall with a grunt.

"Oh, I'm feeling much better today Simon."

"Good." He pulled away from me and stood in front of us all. "So, today lets start off with.."

I didn't pay much attention to what he was saying though I was trying my hardest. I tapped my foot as he spoke with my hands shoved deep in my pockets. Simon handed out a few papers and talked for even longer, then we practiced a bit and learned some new parts and tips.

With him there, I was finally able to nail the note I had been so upset with yesterday, which made me really proud- and Louis really angry.

"Okay, great job boys. Let's have a quick break, yeah?"

We nodded and lined up to leave the room, but instead of following Liam and Niall and turned around and shut the door, leaving myself with Louis in the room.

"Oh, c'mon, what now?" He groans, loosing a good posture and crossing his arms.

"I just wanted to tell you that I was sorry for what I did yesterday." I said, as maturely as possible.


"Yeah, I mean, you're gonna have a scar between your eyes for the rest of your life because of me, so, might as well apologize. Good news is you look like some badass Harry Potter."

"Okay, Styles, what the fucks up?" Louis asks. I don't blame him for being like this when yesterday I was trying to kill him and today I'm just trying to throw a god damn party.

"Okay, well, yesterday was the fucking worse day of my life, got it? Weird shit is going on, and I just need you to not do dumb shit like laughing to piss me off." I threw my arms to my sides.

"You realize you totally turned into a fucking wolf and could've smashed my skull in, right?"

"Yes, that's why I'm telling you this. I don't want it to happen again, and it seems that whenever I'm out of my mind with a fast as fuck heart beat I'm going to probably kill someone. So, I'm telling you for your own benefit because I can't control myself."

Louis gave me a certain look that I couldn't quite make out which emotion it belonged to. "Alright, alright. I get it."

"Thank you," I say, relieved as I turned back to the door.

"Wait-" He stopped me. so turned back to him. "Do you know what happened to Zayn, then?"

There was a part of me that didn't want to tell him, because I didn't want him running of and confessing it to anyone else. But then again, he's part of my band. There were no secrets anymore.

"Yes," I swallowed.


"Well, I don't know how he died. But I do know that the night before he was acting strange and then attacked me." I say. Louis was staring at me, deep in thought and closely focused on what I was saying.

"He attacked you?"

"Yeah." He wasn't going to even come close to believing me on when I tell him that Zayn was a werewolf. "Louis, Zayn went after me on the night of the full moon. Plus, he had shape shifted completely into a sort of animal."

"No, no, no, no." Louis grunted. He stopped for a split second though, his eyes got big and he looked away from me, then back to making contact again. "You're not telling me Zayn's some sort of wolf? Like this isn't fucking Twilight, Harry."

"I know it's hard to believe, but I'm not shitting anything. And he bit me, too. Right here." I pointed to my side.

"Oh yeah? Show me the bite."

Fuck. "I can't do that." I said, slowly putting my head down.

"Why not?" He crosses his arms and changing his stance.

"Because-" I stopped to think of a likely excuse. "I'm self conscious."

"This is bullshit," He nearly shouted, pushing past me and heading to open up the door to finally leave.

"No! Louis, Louis.." I ran over to him and gripped onto his arm to stop him from leaving because I really wanted to explain this to him. But the second that my hand made contact with his arm, he whipped his head around and sort of hissed at me, then ripped his arm away with force.

I gave him a struck look as he walked out of the room and out around the hallway. This made me thoroughly upset because I really didn't want to be against Louis. I actually wanted to be his friend and I was hoping that his attitude his was giving right now was just a phase that hung on while he was stressed with the competition.

I brushed off my clothing and messed with my hair before the rest of the boys came back into the room after the break was over. Niall was first one, who came running up to me and began asking me questions.

"You weren't out at break, nor was Louis. What were you two talking about? Does he know about you? Does he know about Zayn?"

"I told him and he didn't believe me. I just-" I stopped, trying to calm myself down a bit because I was feeling rather anxious and starting to feel hot and enclosed in the studio and uncomfortable. "I just don't want him to hate me or anything."

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