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Okay, so i get a lot of comments on this story and i felt like this needed to be said. So so many of you are commenting saying you height and weight and then commenting about how fat you are and how you need to lose weight and obviously comparing yourself to other peoples comments. As the author of this book i feel like i have a responsibility to look after my readers and sort out this issue. 

Every single one of you is beautiful in your own way, you do not need to lose any weight unless you are overweight. A lot of you comment underweight bmi's in which case you need to GAIN weight! 

Starving yourself is not a quick and easy diet. It's a soul destroying mental disorder. I am only just starting to get my life back now, and it's hard, it's really really hard. Believe me you do not want to go down to this hell. 

You say "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
i say, 
Nothing feels as good as eating dinner with your family
on a saturday night
laughing and talking and chewing 
feeling free
Nothing feels as good as baking cookies with little siblings 

stealing bites of dough and chocolate chips
and eating one fresh out of the oven.
Nothing feels as good as curling up on the couch with a good book 

and a steaming mug of creamy hot chocolate 

with extra marshmallow 
on a cold winter's night
because you chose to be healthy,
to get better,
to see colour again,
Because the little things make it worth the struggle. 

You take your skinny, your bones, your hunger, 
i'll take,

I've debated deleting this book numerous times since i finished it, i'm not entirely sure if it's done more harm than good. But the amount of messages i've had saying how my book has motivated them to recover or has made them realize that they are not alone is what has kept this book up. 

So on that note i will be writing a sequel to this book, with an alternative ending. 

It will be called "Girl, Living" and will be about what would have happened if Tori didn't die and instead got help and recovered instead. 

I hope you're as excited as i am! 

Stay Beautiful <3 



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