Chapter Nine- trying to eat something :/

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I lie in my bed, ugh I feel like death warmed up. I rub my sore eyes, and slowly use up most of my energy getting out of bed. I feel so vile, like I'm going to throw up any minute. My head rings with a headache and I feel so dizzy, as if I'm going to faint any second. Using the banister for support I carefully make my way down the stairs. 
'God Tori! You look awful!' I look up at my mum, 
'I sure feel it' I groan. She puts her hand to my forehead and checks my temperature. 
'You really are burning up! You'd better stay off school.' I groan, I'd rather be at school, it's easier to avoid food. I nod though and slowly make my way to the living room where I procide to collapse on top of the sofa with a blanket. I curl up and close my eyes, but I just feel more nauseous. A few moments later my mum comes in. 'I've gotta go to work, I'll be back around 2ish, there's paracetamol in the cupboard. Try to feel better hun you've got that meeting tonight with Rachel at the shop.' She leaves shortly after that and I lie there in silence, thinking. The silence gets too much after a while and I reach for the tv remote. I turn it on to make the house feel more alive. I slowly lift myself up and go into the kitchen. It's probably best to eat something, I groan, I really don't want too but it's probably the best thing too do. I go to the toaster and pop 2 slices of bread in (106 calories each) and then pull out the low fat light butter (41 calories per knife full). While the toast is toasting I boil the kettle and make an instant low fat hot chocolate (only 41 calories). The toast pops out of the toaster making me jump. Ugh, jumping used up too much energy, I spread the butter evenly on the toast, and clear up my mess. I go as quickly as I can over to the medicine cabinet and pop out 2 paracetamol. I grab the bottle of diet coke from the fridge and quickly take the medication. When I get back into the lounge I practically collapse on the sofa. I curl up and wrap a blanket around my shivering body. I set the plate on my lap. It's only a small amount of calories Tori, you can do it. I think to myself but I can't bring myself to pick up the toast. I close my eyes, I can do this. I slowly pick up the calorie dosed bread and take a tiny bite. 
God, your such a fatty Tori, that toasts going to go straight to your thunder thighs. Are you trying to get even fatter- if that's even possible... 
I push the voice out of my head and hold back a sob. I wipe a few tears off my face. I've got to do this. I need the energy, I'm so exhausted. Using my hands I rip the toast into small bite size pieces and slowly eat them one by one, hating myself with every bite that I take. After what seems like forever I finish the toast. And it's true. I have more energy, and it's nice to feel full for a change. Yet I feel bad to be feeling so much happier when I've just aten so much. With my new found energy I sit up and reach for the tv remote, I flick through the channels, but nothing interesting is on. I debate whether I have the energy to go upstairs and get my box set off all the seasons of my favourite tv show- The Mentalist. I decide against it, after all I've only just comfy. I find the programmes we've recorded on tv, and flick to my favourite "The Mentalist" episodes that I've recorded. I settle down and become engrossed in the programme, occasionally drinking my hot chocolate- those instant ones seem to stay hot forever! I really love The Mentalist, if you don't know what it is then google it, but it's basically it's a crime investigation programme. My favourite character in it has to be Teresa Lisbon (played by the actress Robin Tunney), and I want to do exactly what lisbon does when I'm older, which Is be a Police Detective. Most people are shocked when they find that out, people think that because my life involves so much dance that I want to be a dancer or something that involves dance but I really don't. Sure I enjoy dance, but I don't want a career in it. Well not any more that is...

AN: sorry it's a bit on the short side! I'm also sorry if you have no idea what the mentalist tv show it as well! This chapter is dedicated to amellie07 as she helped to design my cover and is also the new editor of this story :) so expect some changes in the past chapters as there being edited! Thanks for reading!

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