chapter 21- sleepovers part 2

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Me and abi walk down the stairs with our arms laden with no empty pizza boxes, I can feel leftover oil seeping through to my hands, I cringe slightly. 

"Are you okay tori?" Abi says to me whilst giving me the glance that she has been all night. 

"Yeah, it's just colder here than upstairs" If I told her the truth about why I cringed she would never let it go. I push open the door and she walks through. 

"That's not what I meant..." She says as she chucks pizza boxes into wheelie bin, I hand her mine as I say, 

"What did you mean then?" 

"I meant are you okay in general" I raise an eyebrow, 

"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I slam the door slightly too hard when we walk back in. 

"You seem a bit out of it, and you ate barely anything." I cringed slightly at the last part of her sentence. 

"I'm just a bit tired that's all, and I ate tons!" I protest back to her, 

"Tori, I've been watching you, you ate hardly anything!" I raise an eyebrow as we climb the stairs back to Rose's room. 

"Just a bit creepy you know." I say referring to the first part of her sentence. I ignore the last part, I force a smile onto my face as we enter the room. The girls are sat in the pyjamas eating popcorn and watching a movie. 

"Started without us..." I say and raise an eyebrow. Rose laughs and shrugs her shoulders. I grab my pyjamas and rush over to the bathroom to get changed. I hate changing in front of people, unlike abi who is perfectly fine with quickly switching into pjs in front of everyone. In all fairness if I was as slim as her I don't think I would be self conscious either! 

I fling myself on the sofa, the film seems uninteresting to me but I can hardly settle anyway with Abi's eyes glancing at me every few seconds. Eventually I get sick of it and grab a handful of salted popcorn and slowly eat it just to get her to lay of. She sighs but turns back to the movie. I don't see her looking at me after that. The movie does bore me so being the antisocial person that I am I pull out my phone and start scrolling through tumblr. I spend the rest of the evening rebloging posts and staring at the thinspiration. Reminding me not to eat. To stay strong. To become the girl I want to be. 

It takes me a while to fall asleep that night, whilst everyone else curls up in their sleeping bags and drifts into dreams I stay awake tossing and turning. My body not used to containing this many calories. I try and mentally add them all up, but my brain begins to hurt. I pull out my phone and flick to my calorie counter app. I log all the foods I have consumed today:

3 dorritos= 37.5 calories 

2 slices of haiwaan pizza= 350 calories 

Handful of salted popcorn= 190 calories. 

In total I’ve eaten 577.5 calories. I know it’s less than the others who haven’t been able to stop stuffing their mouths with greasy fatty food, but I still feel this guilt which swallows me whole. I switch of my phone unable to look at the horrid number anymore. I was supposed to stay strong but instead…. Instead I’ve just been a fat pig. As I curl up into my sleeping bag I feel silent tears rolling down my cheek. Tomorrow will be a fast day, I have to make up for this somehow. 

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