Chapter Eight- Charity shops and tiny bosses

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I pull off yet another tee shirt and stand in front of the mirror in just my underwear; do I own anything that looks half decent on me? I frown and go rummaging once again through my wardrobe. After trying on most of my wardrobe I finally decide that I don't look too fat in my black skinny jeans and black tank top with a grey cardigan to cover my fat arms, I sigh and start to clear up the mess I've made. I pick up a few tops, and frown. Most of my clothes are either too big, look gross on me or are just gross overall. I drop the clothes and go downstairs, 'muuuum'


"I've got a load of shit I never wear"


"What do I do with it?" I say in a moany voice.

"Surely you should know! God your attitude these days! You're so moppy and lacking in energy!" My mum lectures, she gives me an exasperated look before she says "bag it up and we'll take it to the charity shop" I just nod and grab a black bag from the kitchen. I go back upstairs and stare at the mess on the floor. I've got to keep at least some of this, just what? I pick up a t-shirt, waaay too big. I shove it in the bag and pick up another. Too small, but I keep it, something to shrink into. It doesn't take me too long to sort all my clothes out. I only end up keeping clothes I like or are small enough for me to shrink into. When I lose weight I can go shopping and get some new clothes to match my new body. I smile. I shove on my black converse and drag the heavy bags down the stairs. "You're getting rid of all of that!" My mum exclaims,

"Yeah, don't fit me no more." I shrug. We get in the car, my mum chucks a bag off her own stuff into the boot and we drive down.

"Ugh you're so bloody depressing all the time tori!" I just look out the window, "and that attitude! God girl you never do anything anymore, you just sit around mopping, and sulking! What's wrong with you?" I shrug, "do you know what ,I'm officially sick of this!"

"No shit Sherlock" I mutter under my breath,

"This is exactly what I mean!" She shouts as we pull up behind the charity shop. She goes and knocks on the door and I start to unpack the boot. As I hand the bags to the woman at the door I can't help but notice how incredibly skinny and pretty she is, I sigh, is everyone really skinnier than me! My mums talking away to the woman and just as I shut the boot door I catch part of the conversation.

"Are you accepting volunteers?" I turn my head sharply over to my mum, and trudge over to the tiny woman and my mum. "She's 14"

"Sure," the woman smiles, "I’ll just go and get an application pack" she dashes off back into the building; I turn to look at my mum.

"Perhaps this will sort out your attitude problem!" I glare at my mother.

"I do not have an attitude problem!"

"Oh yes you do!" I glare and sulk until the woman comes rushing back. She hands me an application pack.

"Just fill this in, and drop it back in around 5 on Monday and I'll give you a quick rundown of everything." She smiles warmly, "oh and I'm Rachel, the shop manager." I smile, that explains how she knows so much about this all.

"I'm Victoria," I say back,

"Thank you!" My mum says,

"No problem" Rachel says in reply. I sulk the rest of the way home. If only my mum knew that I don't have an attitude problem, if only she knew what was really going on.

An: AAAH EARLY UPLOAD! WHOOP WHOOP JAnyway, I’m sorry it’s short! I just had to write and upload it, so sorry! And even though this may seem like a bit of a filler chapter this is in fact a really important part of the story! The charity shop and Rachel are going to both play a huge part in this story! Thanks for reading :). Like, comment, fan <3

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