chapter 2

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Once I got home I said hi to Rachel she made me fish n chips and after I ate I fell asleep but I set a timer on for 9

I got on my motorbike an went to the gym yes I know its odd I go to the gym in the night but I find it better working out in the night

Once I got their I went in the staff knew me so it was fine for me to just walk in I went to the changing rooms an wore my jogger's (sweat pants ) an my black sports bra an a tank top over it I went to my personal trainer he teaches me how to fight an how to work out yes I am a fighter I enjoy fighting I am a fast learner so its easy our working out time is in the mornings an in the night an I had to call if I couldn't make it we trained until 12am 3 hours training with one break I didn't mind though

Whilst I was going out I felt hungry so I went to McDonald's I know right after I work out am eating unhealthy but my trainer said its fine as long as am not eating junk food 24/7 I got large fries an a medium Pepsi yes Pepsi is my favorite soda I quickly eat an headed of to my secret location

I went inside an their was a security guard by the door he nodded at me an let me in it was full today more full then usual normally maria would be here but she was with Connor so I left her as I walked in guys started whistling at me and once again I was center of attention as I finally got to the ring as you can guess this is in fact under ground fighting I saw Ben an he hugged me Ben's always been a hugger he has black hair an brown eyes he has dimples an he is built he is attractive very attractive but I don't like him in that way he's more of a brotherly figure to me I asked him why their was so many people here an he said he didn't know

Then I realised that it was my turn Ben signs me up for a fight as soon as he sees me when I stepped into the ring I tied my hair up an took of my top an passed it to ben whilst I was waiting for my opponent he was built but I knew I could beat him I have never lost a fight when I came here I was fully trained an also I was the only girl an guys thought they could beat me because I was a girl I hated every single one of them girl power bitch my opponent was good but not as good as me I know I sound ignorant but am just saying the winner won £200 now I don't fight for the money I fight because I like fighting the money was a plus the fight ended an I had won once again he punched me in the jaw which I know will leave a mark but I know I did worse a broken nose a busted lip an he had a black eye I jumped down from the ring an everyone was cheering me on I helped my opponent up because am not that much of a bitch we did a hand shake I took the money an went to Ben

Ben was talking to some guys which seemed familiar ben gave me an ice pack an asked the guys why their was so many people here they didn't know too I stayed quite an kept my head down then Ben introduced me to them it was Jake an Jordan an William he had brown eyes an black hair shit shit its the boys from school " so you did good in the fight " said William I just nodded " never seen a girl fight like that " " she's never lost a fight have ya " said ben " nope an it going to stay that way" I replied in a more serious tone " why don't you fight with Jordan he came to have a fight " said William I looked at Ben an he agreed looks like am going to have another fight we got up to the ring an I smirked at him its odd how they haven't realised its me but maybe they can't recognise me yet

We had a fight an I won again Jordan had a black eye an a busted lip an he's nose was bleeding whilst I was untouched he needs to learn how to fight he is rubbish I went easy on him because I was tired I won £100 an helped Jordan up I jumped down an William an Jake were laughing so much they recorded the whole fight an kept saying Jordan got beaten by a girl " hahahha dude u didn't even get to touch her " Jake said you need to learn how to fight who ever was your trainer was obviously crap" I replied in a bored tone "who was your trainer? " he stayed quit "okay then" then i realised my top was off the boys seemed interested on my body I raised my eyebrow an they were still looking I quickly grabbed my top off Ben an put it on William made a face " I liked it better without your top on " Jake whined " I liked it better when you wasn't here " I replied with a smirk Jordan looked upset what its not my fault I only told him the truth an maybe it was harsh but still " its okay bro your not the only guy she has beaten " ben said to Jordan

"Oh yh an delete that video" I said blankly " ben make sure they do okay ?" " okay" Ben replied I yawned " am off bye " I hugged Ben an kissed his cheek whilst the boys just stared as I was walking to the exit I was being congratulated an people were patting my back I just shrugged of their hands stupid drunk men the exit was far so I went to stop for a drink at the bar I got Pepsi an started walking again ugh men were falling on me an chatting me up I just ignored them an cursed every single one of them under my breath how lady like of me I finally reached the exit until a drunk man fell on top of me knocking me down with him " we should do this more often but maybe in my bed " he said obviously drunk he was leaning in I punched him right in the jaw an then I punched him again an he passed out on top of me are you fucking kidding me I pushed him off me an got up ugh once I finally made it outside into the fresh air I was grabbed an pushed onto the wall ......

Cliff hanger hope you all enjoyed this chapter i wanted you guys to know her passion for fighting an thanks for reading

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