chapter 10

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The party

I had a text from Maria * are we ganna go to the party today ? Everyone's ganna be their * I quickly texted a yes because I was home alone an I would get bored * coming over in 5 * maria  texted back I put my phone down an had a shower once I got out maria was already in the house an she had 5 dresses in her hands no no I know what's she's going to do " no am not wearing a dress " I said seriously   " please please an it would helps you with your dare that I gave you " she begged after 20 minutes of me protesting I was in a black sleeveless dress an maria was doing my hair she did it in loose curls an she had done my make up with a black smokey eye an she had added a bit of highlighter to my face to top it all off she gave me black heels " wow you look hot " maria said in shock " you should wear dresses more often " Jakes going to have to notice you your ganna be a show stopper " maria said excitedly

Then maria got ready her self I went on instagram an saw that the party had already started people had posted videos an I checked on twitter people we're writing how fun it was an blah blah we will find out how fun it is when I get their an hour had passed an maria was done she walked trough the toilet door an my jaw fell we both looked a bit the same but she had a red dress an red eye shadow but other than that she looked so beautiful Wow " so how do I look? " she asked proudly " you look perfect " her red hair went so well with her dress

Connor is going to meet us their an jake an everyone are already their I nodded I put on my heels an went down " Rachel where off bye " I screamed I didn't hear her response because I was already out the door she had brought her car because it would be dumb driving with a Dress on whilst your on a motorbike I got in her car an it was about a 10 minutes drive from my house

" time to make our grand entrance " maria said their was a spot right in front of the house people don't like parking close to the house because they think their car will get trashed Maria has people watching so if anyone touches it they are dead me an maria got out at the same time an walked to the door the door burst open an the guy who was trowing the party opened the door I have no idea what his name is but I know  were invited " ladies looking hot today please come in " he said obviously drunk a bit connor came out of no where an greeted maria

I am certainly going to drink today that's where I went to the kitchen where alcohol was everywhere I got passed a red cup full of something an drank it it wasn't as strong but I had drank it all their was a bowl in the middle mixed up of different alcohol I got my cup an poured some in it tasted bitter at first then my mouth got used to it I had drank  2 cups  of alcohol an everything was blurry I went o the dance floor an danced I guy came up to me an danced with me he put his number in my phone an I went around

Yass that's what I was looking for shots I walked up to the table an sat down on a chair " you want to do some shots ? " some guy asked an I nodded my head I picked up my first one an quickly drank it it burned my throat an made me feel more alive a before I knew it I was on my fifth one that's when I knew I was fully drunk I took 3 more an got up well more like stumbled " I wonder if aliens wear heels to ? " I said out loud I walked to the dance floor bumping into everyone on the way

" hey Emma didn't expect to see you here " William said I just giggled " shit your drunk " he said wow he has tree heads " wait who's drunk ? " I questioned William " just come with me " he said an with that I was being dragged somewhere " faster I want the rollercoaster faster woow " I screamed an then realized we had stopped " that was the worst rollercoaster ever " I said with a pout I looked around an saw that we were In a room an jake was their with his squad that sounded so cool I giggled " how drunk is she? " Kevin asked " do you think aliens get drunk? " I asked " yep she's fully drunk " Adam said I started spinning around an fell " ouch stupid floor tripping me over " Luke chuckled an helped me up " you okay? " Luke asked " OMG  its Luke haven't seen you in ages how you been bro " I said hugging him " am William " William said

Huh? That's odd I sat on Jakes lap " life is so confusing at times " I said " an what's confusing about it ? "jake asked " why can't I fly? An why do we have to take a plane everywhere? " I said seriously an the boys bursted out laughing " jake your driving everyone your not getting drunk so are you going to look after her " William asked jake was about to speak but I stopped him " back the fuck up no ones looking after me I am old enough to look after my self thank you very much " I said deadly serious jake just nodded an the boys went " looks like its just me and you " he said

I stood up quickly an stepped back from him that's what they said to me before they did everything I was getting too hot everything was closing up on me I was panting " Shit Emma are you okay? " he asked but all I saw was them I fell to the floor they were leaning down in front of  me " please don't hurt me please all do anything you want me to do but don't hurt me " I said an that's when it got to much an I started crying jake pulled me into a hug " I won't hurt you I promise " that was the last thing I heard before I dozed off to sleep in Jakes arms

I know I the chapter is so small but who are " they " is Emma remembering things or is she just imagining things find out in the next chapter

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