chapter 12

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jakes POV

I knew I had made a mistake calling Emma annoying an maria told me that she gets very emotional when she's drunk I wanted to know why she told me not to hurt her I want to know but now I guess am back to square one an this time it was my fault

" wow dude that was a dick move calling her annoying " William said I stayed quite " an what did Maria say don't say anything offensive when she's drunk " Jordan said I guess he sobered up " good job bro now she officially hates you " Kevin said " shut up " I said seriously " don't get lover boy mad " Adam said " I don't like her " I said " yh we know bro you don't like her " Luke said the guys just chuckled I parked the car in my drive an got in

" am of to sleep " I said an I walked off to my room I got out my phone an called Emma she didn't answer obviously idiot

********************** the next morning ************

Emma's POV

Fuck my head was hurting so much its like elephants where jumping around in my head what the hell happened last night I opened one eye an quickly closed it ugh the light hurt my eyes time to man up I opened my eyes it took me a few seconds to a just to the light an I saw a glass of water an medicine on my bed side table with a note that read for the hangover I mentally thanked Rachel an had my medicine I got up an tried to remember what happend last night something like jake calling me annoying an me slamming a door

I went to the bathroom an washed my face I'll just have a shower once I was done I wrapped a towel around me yes my headaches gone I walked out an went to my closet I pulled out a tank top with Batman's sign an put on some black jeans today was Saturday that's when I heard the doorbell must be maria she always forgets her keys yep she has the keys to my house an I have the keys her house Rachel had opened the door for her " Emma honey I have a doctor's appointment right now am going to have to go I made you some cereal bye " Rachel screamed out an I heard the door close

I made my way down the steps an headed straight to the kitchen for my food an then I went to the living room with my bowl to Maria I stopped dead in my tracks it wasn't maria it was Jake " what do you want? " I said blankly " look Emma am here to apologise " he said " okay bye than " I said harshly I put my bowl down an walked out of the room but jake had other ideas he came running up too me an tripped knocking me down with him he was now on top of me his hands by the sides of my head " am sorry " he said an looked into my eyes he started leaning in I was ganna push him away but I remembered Maria's dare

An that's when it all happened his lips came crashing down onto mine an it actually felt good it made me feel some kind of way an I kissed him back he licked my bottom lip asking for enterence but I denied it he bit my lip making me open my mouth I felt my hands go around his neck playing with his hair it was so soft but I flipped him around so I was on top he smiled in the kiss but still kissed me an I felt his hand going up my top then the doorbell went off an I quickly jumped off Jake I probably look like an idiot an went running to open the door maria ,William and Jordan were at the door i opened the door wider for them to come in

We went to the living room where jake was at on his phone like he didn't just have a make out session with me " we can tell you two just had a make out session " maria said with a smirk I just gave her the glare an I could tell I was blushing jake just smirked " aww is Emma blushing " William said I trew a pillow at him I got up an took my bowl to the kitchen an ate their maria came out " its part of the dare dummy " I said an slapped her head " ouch your so violent " said rubbing her head " well I do fight a lot so you know " I said an quickly finished my cereal

I slapped her on the head an started running I ran all the way to the second floor an slid back down the railings an ran into the living room jake had stood up so I took cover behinds him " what the " but maria had already interrupted him " you hit me once for a fair reason an you hit me again for no reason an you messed up my hair " maria said out of breath " sorry? " " you better be " Maria said the doorbell went " ohh all get it " maria said an ran of WTF I sat down between Jordan and William they were kinda squished together so I squished in too big mistake" ahh you guys am ganna die " I said " I can't breath this was such a bad mistake but you guys are nice and warm " I said out of breath " Emma look what you got " Maria walked in with loads of roses I just looked at her face " guys move so I can get out an who they from ? "I asked Maria " don't know some guy said he was told to give them "

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