chapter 26

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it was the holidays I didn't have to see anyone's face thank god I actually miss them a lot especially Maria Rachel had came back an I told her to keep a low profile an my parents well I got them on another 2 months on their business trip you see the perks of being in a gang you find a way to get the things you want

an Lorgans men have stopped stalking everyone its been 2 weeks an they are in the clear thank god an your probably wondering why I added another 2 months to my parents trip well you see Mark said if they come they could hurt my parents an am not ready to go trough all that again I WS not going to risk them

I was in my room sat watching she's the man that's like my favorite movie apart from horror my phone buzzed

* Lorgans men are here * Spencer

I instantly sat up shit

* what? where? * Em

* Jakes house hurry * Zac

* where on our way * james

* wait me an Mark are going only the rest stay * Em

* OK hurry * Zac

thats the last text I read before I sped off to Marks he lived near me so it was better an your probably wondering why not all my men? well that's just dumb we puld be putting our self into a trap an Zac Andrew an Spencer were already their

I stopped outside marks house he came out with a small suitcase he got in an opens it he handed me some guns an took some for himself

" don't say anything I will think of something on the spot when where their " I said seriously " okay " " Maria's their so I want Maria out first then the rest we will take out some guys around the area not all but some " I told him

we got their an I ran out of the car all our guns had built in silencers so nobody will suspect a thing we went round an shot some guys round the front an went in

they were in the living room jake had a gun against his head which was held by lorgan I was so tempted to shoot him but I didn't

" what do you want Lorgan? " all eyes were on me to make things worse Jordan an William where here " finally our princess decides on showing up " he says " I said what do you want? " i said coldly

" I want the boy " he smirked " you can't have him " I said I gave Spencer a look telling him to get Mara out of here he nodded " why is he your boyfriend? " he asked an evil smirked played on his face " no " " so why are you so defensive over him? I mean its you Emma you don't have a heart an here you are he just has to be a boyfriend "

" he isn't " I said angrily " so what is he? " he said putting the gun closer to his head " he's mine " " so you are dating him "

" no idiot he's my member he's in my gang " all eyes were on me once again full of pure shock " now drop the gun you know the consequences of killing a member that's like starting war an you know I love guns " I said with a smirk

" he can't be " he is an am glad your merry men joined us you might of lost some for being on another gangs territory you know the consequences " he lowered his gun " you will die your just a girl " an with that he left " Zac " I nodded my head towards Logan an he followed him

" why the fuck is he here what does he want? " I screamed " I did everything I could to make sure you guys weren't involved an look where that got us " I said frustratedly

" boss " Spencer said " no I told you to keep them protected not nearly have them killed is that an hard objective if you couldn't do that then you lot should of said I would of got them body guards an you lot could of got an easier objective maybe like clean fucking toilets " I said angrily

" were sorry boss " Andrew said " you should be now clear this mess up " an with that I walked out I was angry I did everything I could to protect them an they nearly died an I know I was being mean but ugh I can't describe it an the fact that Maria an jake have probably seen everything just makes me feel ashamed

So this is the chapter I was so excited about I mean it sounded so good in my head a I didn't know how to get it on written an am sorry if its rubbish am ganna have Jakes an Maria's POV in the next chapter

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