chapter 25

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Jakes POV

" its for your own safety " an with that she left what just happened? I turned around an saw William staring at me shock written all over his face we all went up to the balcony an I grabbed Jordan Maria an Connor on the way up I know your probably wondering why is Connor with Maria?

well you see Maria told me that the dare was true but what surprised me was that she also said that Emma admitted she liked me which was even more confusing an she found it odd that Emma said all that

something was up an she wasn't telling anyone I explained the situation to Maria " for your own safety? what the fuck is that supposed to mean? " she said angrily I shrugged my shoulders

" but she was drunk " that caught Maria's attention " did she say anything else? did she cry? " I looked at Maria in confusion " no why would she? "

Maria started biting her lip " nope no reason " she rushed out she knew something well obviously she does their bestfriends idiot

" do you like her? " Maria questioned " a bit " I said quietly " well listen if you ever break her heart your dead your the second guy she might like an not be playing you " she said " second? "

" yes second her first was a fucking cheat an she felt for him I know she didn't show her emotions but I knew she was broken " she said sadly it angered me that someone would hurt my Emma yor Emma? WTF I need to get a hold of my self

I only like her a bit I mean once I have bedded her my feelings might go hmm now that's me I smiled WTF am sure I was just saying it angered me that someone hurt her

Emma's POV

~ the next ~

I have the wort hangover ever its like ugh fuck that Rachel was coming back from her holiday today my parents are coming in 3 weeks james had his arm draped over me I pushed him an his arm of me which resulted in him falling off the bed with a thud

" ouch " I got out of bed an smiled at him " your so evil " that made me smirk but then I quickly rushed to the bathroom an felt sick I am never getting drunk eve again james was by my side holding my hair

" karma's a bitch " he smirked down at me " shut up an get me something for the headache I mumbled

we were ready for school I had a shower an everything my hangover was still their " now girlfriend we don't have our lessons together so don't get in trouble " he said tapping my nose I glared at him your probably wondering what happened to the same timetables

he got in a fight with someone an they decided it would be best if he was in a different class him and harry

it was P.E which ment all my old friends were their an guess what I am going to have a fight today not in school underground I missed it so much an I can take some anger out I slowly made my way to the changing rooms

I was then stopped by the queen bee herself Becky " what do you want? " I said coldly " how are you? I heard about you and Maria " she said I raised an eyebrow

" I heard she's dating Jake " ah that's why she's here she wants jake " yep she is " I say smiling time for my plan " they even admitted they love each other " her face turned into shock " he never said he loved someone before "

ugh she's just pathetic I pushed her out of my way an walked into the changing rooms Maria wasn't in here thank god she better not be in the toilets

I walked their an saw she wasn't it would just be awkward if she was I quickly got changed an walked out an then straight out the changing rooms I saw Maria with jake she had her eyebrows knitted either she was pissed or confused

jake was stood in front of her with a worried look on his face shit it might be about the kiss I mean as angry as I am at her for dating him I still can't ruin their relationship

i walked up to her an tapped her shoulder she turned around her mouth wide open " Emma? " she whispered " before you dump his sorry ass I just want to say I am the one who kissed him I made the first move an go ahead call me a bitch or slap me but I want you to know it was just a drunken mistake that doesn't mean anything " I said keeping a blank face even thought it was something I liked the kiss it felt right but I know I can't

I looked up at jake he had a hurt look on his face which was quickly changed to anger I saw maria she still had her mouth open " y-yh " she stuttered her mouth opening an closing like a fish I nodded my head an walked away

I wanted to hit my head against a wall I don't know why I feel so angry an guilty an starting to get really frustrating an the fact that I have to keep them held in normally I would box or fight an I would feel better but I couldn't before

I then remembered their was a boxing ring an punching bags in the gym a smile made way on my face an I went in

punch punch I don't know how long I had been punching this bag but I didn't want to stop my hands were hurting I could feel my body sweating but I didn't stop punch after punch after punch

after a while I felt someone grab my arm that didn't stop me then someone else the two of them were stronger than me an I saw james standing in front of me looking concerned I followed the hands on my arms to see Andrew an Zac were holding my arms

" Em you need to calm down an stop or were taking you home " james said I was so tempted to punch james an I moved my arm so fast but only to be stopped by some grabbing my wait an the hands on my arms went tighter

you have to be kidding me like wtf is happening a gang reunion? " Spencer let go of my waist " I said his hands didn't move but he smelled awfully familiar " will you all fucking let go of me " I said angrily they all let go I mean I am their gang leader they do as I say wow I sound like a bitch

" what do you all want? " I said coldly I don't know why but I was so angry I could kill someone right now " Em why don't you calm down " james said looking behind me " james I am so tempted to snap your neck right now "

he just smirked at me trust me he has seen me even more pissed than this an I have said worse than that he knew I didn't mean it because once I was finished being angry I would apologise non stop its just this thing I let my anger out on the first person I see

" Look at your hands Em " he said putting my hands in his he's acting odd he just looked behind me an that's when I saw jake what is he doing here? he had his jaw clenched an he was looking at mine an james hands I cleared my throat

" excuse me but I have a dress to go try on " I said in a posh voice " madam? could I do the honor of escorting you to this event? " james said in a posh voice holding his hand out " oh you kind gentleman of course you can bless your soul an your family " I said that's until we bursted out laughing

hmm maybe am bipolar an with that we walked out of school

hope you all enjoyed that chapter an as always thanks for reading

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