chapter 15

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hangovers and break downs

I was asleep peacefully that was until some fat ass jumped on me well not but 3 " what the fuck " I said angrily my kegs were going num an I couldn't breath they were on top of me an I had a stupid hangover my morning can't get any better than this I tried pushing them off me but I was to tired " fucking move I can't breath an I promise you I will piss all over your bed if you don't move " I said with gritted teeth

they just chuckled an got of me but they were still on the bed king sized bed now I was angry an ready to kill someone disturbing my sleep an they didn't even bother with paracetamol for my hangover how rude I just rubbed my head " I am never going to drink again " I said with a huff an then my phone started ringing it was on the bedside table an jake pasted it to me " its your mum " he said " hello? am fine mum, I was just going down for some breakfast, yes school is good no am not misbehaving, Maria's good, yes she's still dating Connor okay bye " an with that I hung up

" wake me up in 10 years " I said an went back to sleep the boys just chucked an let me sleep seen as though it was 6am an god knows why they were awake so early I felt someone slip inside the bed next to me an then two other people did am guessing their going back to sleep but why next to me but I was to tired to say anything an I get someone put their arm around my waist an pull me closer to them I don't know who it was but they were so comfortable so I dozed off into my own world

************* 5 hours later ***************

I opened my eyes an saw William am Jordan on one side an I was squished in the middle I tried to get up but someone's arm was around my waist an it was Jakes I tried to move again but he just pulled me closer to him " jake jake wake up " I said whilst shaking him he opened his eyes an just smiled at me " what happened to wake me up in 10 years " he asked with a smirk I just smirked back an got out of bed to pee

once I came back I saw that jake had fallen asleep but they were all right next to each other I grabbed my phone an took a few pictures of them muhahahha save them for black mail I put my phone down an then jumped on them I heard them grunt " I guess we disserved that " William said an I got off them " next time try not to jump on my crotch " Jake said whilst gritting his teeth an I just bursted out laughing so much I know it wasn't that funny but I don't know why I started laughing non stop " okay okay serious " I sad trying to be serious but it failed an I was laughing again

we all went down after my laughing fit an I got some paracetamol for the hangover " make pancakes " Jordan said " no make egg's " William argued they had been at this for 5 minutes an I was getting irritated " shut the fuck up we are having scrambled eggs " I said warningly low " yes " I heard William say " that's not fairr " Jordan whined I just gave him a look he was about to open his mouth to say something but I cut him off " you have got on my nerves already don't make me hurt you an life's not fair so get over yourself " I said glaring at him I heard jake chuckle an Jordan just sulked

" now someone make me bloody food " I said an went to the watch something I couldn't cook at all well I can but only a bit I would end up burning the food 10 minutes later the food was done an we were all sitting by the table my tea was too hot so I went into the kitchen with it again I spilled some down the sink an put more milk in I can't drink hot tea just burns my neck I only like tea a bit hot I turned around to put the milk in the fridge to be pushed back " jake what are- " I was cut of by his lips crashing onto mine he licked along my bottom lip asking for entrance which I let him we had moved an my hands were in his hair tugging on it he lifted me up an put me on the counter without breaking the kiss it felt so good to kiss him like everything in my body came to life an I felt safe

we were interrupted by William " will you two stop eating each others faces of an eat breakfast instead " he said with a huff I just looked at him and smiled jake moved back with a sigh " okay dad " I said with a smile an jumped of the counter to eat I sat down an Jordan was smirking at me " what? " he just chucked the boys had came an jake had brought my tea " what? " I asked again " you have sex hair " he said casually I flipped him off an heard jake chuckle which resulted into him getting kicked in the knee " ouch Maria is right you are violent " he said " well I am a fighter an I do beat people up for fun so " I said with a smirk an with that we all eat our breakfast in silence

" Em you never did tell me why you became a fighter " Jordan asked we had finished eating an were sat watching a really boring show I looked at him images of them flashed through my head their faces that haunt me to this very day the blood the guns pictures flashed trough my head my fists were curled up an my nails were stabbing my palm I shut my eyes as hard as I could trying to forget them trying to forget everything but i couldn't " am of to the toilet " I said quickly an ran upstairs to the toilet

I slid down the bathroom door with my head in my hands I hugged myself I am not going to cry I am not going to cry I repeated in my head why can't I just forget them? why can't I forget everything? they like a scar which has damaged me on the inside an then I felt something hot roll down my cheek god dammit I said I wasn't going to cry I tugged on my hair trying my hardest not to punch anything or break anything I just sat their silently crying on the bathroom floor how pathetic of me memory's flashed trough my head not good memory's an that's when I let out a sob an more after that I tried to control them but I couldn't " Emma! are you okay? " it was jake I just ignored him " Emma open the door " he said seriously I can't let them see me like this hell no so I sat their whilst they shouted for me to open the door " Emma am sorry " I heard Jordan say I need to stop being so pathetic

I got up from the floor an went to the mirror I looked like hell my skin was pale like I was ill my hair was messy from where I had been tugging on it my eyes were red an puffy I had tears rolling down my cheek an I looked broken an I was I opened the tap an washed my face in cold water trying to make my eyes less red once I didn't look that bad I put on a blank face hiding every emotion building my wall back up

I opened the door to find the boys sat down their turned their heads towards me jake got up first then filled by the rest " Em are you okay? " he asked worriedly " yh am fine " I said blankly " Em am sorry if I upset you " Jordan said I just put on my best fake smile " no you didn't an theirs no need to apologise " " Em are you sure your okay? " jake asked once again I just nodded my head

thanks for reading as always

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