chapter 1

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New school's

I was asleep peacefully that was until my stupid alarm clock went off. As I was attempting to get out of bed my foot became tangled in the sheets,which resulted in me falling face first into the floor. What a perfect start to the morning.

'Hurry hunny we don't want too late for your first day quickly get changed' yes that was indeed my mum,she likes to appear randomly. However she doesn't make much random appearance at home.Her and dad are always on business trips half way around the world, they got back last week from one that was 3 weeks long.

Not that I minded my parents do what they need to do to get me here.They built a life for themselves and their only daughter, but sometimes I feel like they need to stop to have a break.

crap I have to get ready.I quickly ran to my bathroom which was attached to my room and jumped in the shower.Once I had showered I realised I never turned my alarm off I turned it off an looked in my closet. I pulled out black jeans an my shut the fuck up top an wore some black converse. I left my hair open grabbed my phone an ran downstairs.

I quickly ate my pancakes with nutella whilst my mum was telling me something "Emma honey me and your dad will be going on another business trip for two month's " "what!! For two month's?"

I know before I said I don't mind them going but they just got back from a business trip " we have to its something really big its another step for us we have worked so hard for this " said my dad " an also Rachel will be here ".

Rachel was my second mother, she looked after me when my parents were gone on business trips she cooked an cleaned but I loved her.I heard a horn I kissed my parents cheeks said bye an left.

In my drive was my best friend Maria.She was wearing the same clothes as me except her top said get lost. I laughed at that we have the same taste an what can we say a tops do most of the talking for us.

Once we got their we took the space available an that was right in front of the school. Everyone was staring at us an the car which was the Audi r8 spyder in white.I guess that's why they were staring we got out.

I looked around it was big, the dining room had windows everywhere.You could see what was happening inside but everyone was looking at us. A few jocks whistled,middle finger up straight in the air where they could see it. Someone cleared their throat; I turned around a man Maybe in his 40's stood in front of us.In a black suit well their goes first impressions.

'You wonderful lady's must be Emma and Maria it's nice to meet you I'm sure you both will maintain an excellent attitude' imagine all the times he's said that to students. 'Now if you follow me I'll take you to the office so you both can get settled in' he spoke before quickly turning his back and walking into the building.

I looked at Maria's time table an we had the same lessons except science we were in different rooms but that was on Friday.

Our first lesson was maths I didn't mind maths but it got boring sometimes. Once we finally found our class we where 20 minutes late oops. " why are you two so late ?" She asked " we couldn't find our class " maria replied in a bored tone ohh you two are the new girls I'm sorry my name is Ms wood an I am your maths teacher " she said a bit to happily " we kinds guessed that " I replied in the same tone she used.

"names?" "Maria and Emma" "okay take a seat anywhere you want am sure the class will make you feel welcomed" we went to the back near a window an sat down.

I was getting my phone out when the door burst open a guy with blue eyes Brown hair enters the room. All the girls instantly looked up an stared at him like he was a god " where have you been mr Edwards?"

He didn't reply an came up to me that's odd. He looked at me an said " ohh new girls I see I guess they don't know that's my seat " oh no wonder the girls were staring at me like I had killed someone when I was sitting here " sweet heart that is my seat an your in it " sweat heart? Is this boy kidding me.

I bursted out laughing an so did maria he looked at me like I was an alien an told me to move " nope " I replied once I had finished laughing "get. Out .of .my. seat " he looked angry but oh well " come on pretty boy no need to get your panties in a twist ".

His Face went red an everyone in the class even the teacher was staring at me, like I had made the wrong move I just shrugged my shoulders an smiled. He punched the table an walked out " anger issues?" I questioned the class no one replied an the teacher began teaching.

Our second lesson was English it was a double lesson but we had a break after one lesson. I hated English an so did Maria.

once we found our class we got their on time surprisingly,the teacher called us to the front "can I have your attention please today we have some new students as you can see so why don't you two introduce yourselves " he said he was bold but he looked relaxed his name was Mr mark "I am Emma an this is maria " I pointed at Maria " an why did you come to this school?" "We got kicked out of our other one" maria replied " why did you get kicked out of your previous school?"

Asked a boy with blonde hair " we trashed some classrooms an the head teachers office an Emma might of broken a teachers nose" Maria replied smirking the boy asked why I broke the teachers nose an I told him the teacher got irritating that Edward guy was in my class an I found out his name was Jake

he was sitting with a bunch of guys an the guy with blonde hair me an maria sat down at the back two seats away from Jakes group of friend the blonde guy introduced him self as Jordan the day went by so slow

at the end of the day we saw Jake having a full on make out session with a girl against a locker you couldn't see her face but you could smell her perfume from a mile away it was so strong I mean calm down

maria was texting her boyfriend Connor they have been dating for 5 month's now an they are so cute together as we were walking outside she squealed an ran so fast an I was so confused until I saw that Connor was waiting by her car an then they started having a make out session for god sakes

I got in her car an kept horning so they would stop everyone was staring an maria was blushing so much she got in the car an Connor got in the back an she drove so fast out of school an she was swearing at me the whole way for embarrassing her

That was the end of chapter one am sorry if its boring once I get further into the book I think it will become more interesting thanks for reading

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