Chapter 33

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Explaining everything

Maria,Connor,William,Jordan and make we're all sat in my room today was the day k was going to come clean tell them about everything that happened

'It all started on Friday I was walking to the shops until a black car pulled up beside me they dragged me in an drugged me so I wouldn't kick up a fuss for them' I looked around an saw everyone listening carefully so I carried on

'they took me to this where house an locked me up on the first few nights it wasn't that bad but all you could hear where screams than one day I had to do training fighting they showed us how to use a gun how to use a knife how to defend  yourself everything we trained all day we got fed but later that night I was dragged into a room' I closed my eyes trying to stop myself from crying jake held my hand

'A man came in an took advantage of me I fought long an hard but he was stronger during the night I tried to escape but it failed they had hot rods an burned me on my thighs an my palms an I got beaten black and blue'

I looked around an saw everyone look sympathetic fuck this is why I don't want people to know they think am weak I stood up 'am not telling you guys this to feel bad for me I feel like I need to tell you guys so please don't look at me like that' I begged

'Baby girl come sit back down we won't I turned to look at him he had his arms held out so I joined him

'Once o realised we got beaten I let it all happen I had a plan we were still getting trained an my plan was to beat them once I was strong enough but it failed once I realised they were training us for different things' my mind went back


'Bring her here' an with that I got dragged by the arm to a room I let my eyes adjust an I saw a boxing ring 'now listen here you win this match an nothing will happen to you but you lose tut tut' was all he said before he pushed me into the ring

My opponent was a girl an I had won fight 'good girl' he said kissing me I pushed him away

End of flashback

'He kept his promise I fought an I won an one day I found an escape away from them monsters once I escaped I realised I didn't know where I was an they were probably going to start looking for me I ran an ran until I found a salon I had taken about £300 that was just a tiny bit of what I used to earn in my fights '

' I got my hair dyed back to normal because before I got kidnapped it was blue I brought new clothes to make sure non of them monsters could recognise me I knew I was being hunted an I wasn't protected until I found theses guys I didn't trust them at first but I realised they were the only ones I had left I got taken home an nobody suspected a thing the gang that kidnapped me was the biggest one they had some how done something am told everyone I had gone to boot camp my own parents beloved it too' this was so much for me having all my walls broken the walls k built up over the years it hurt

I had explained the rest to them (btw the rest is what has been happening in the story so far)

It felt strange to know everything was out

Thank you guys for reading

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