chapter 16

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Jakes POV ~ the call an the crash

I had came back from school an the boys decided to come over too we were playing FIFA an Jordan was losing against William I was sat down laughing at them both " your a cheater " Jordan whined " dude its a game if I cheated then I would have a red card " William replied back my phone went off which was next to William he passed it to me " its Emma " he said with a wink " hello Em " i said " jake " that's all she said an I heard her inhale a deep breath " ouch fuck " she said with griited teeth " Emma? are you okay " I asked concerned " jake I have been in a car crash I have no idea what to do an I don't want to die like this " she said trough gritted teeth " what?!! you have been In a car accident? " i screamed " what Emma she's In a car accident? " William said " yes now fucking help me " she hissed an the line went dead

" Shit we have to find her an help her " William said I quickly got up an we all went to my car " but where is she " I questioned myself " call her again " Jordan said she answered but stayed silent " Emma where are you?! " I said after a while she told me she's in the shortcut " am I dead? " she said " no Em your not your alive look your talking to me an am alive " i said quickly " its going dark " she said you could hear the pain in her voice " pass me the phone all talk to her " William said an I passed it back trying to get their asap thank god I lives near the shortcut " hey Em we are literally around the corner so don't pass out " he said we got their I quickly took the keys out an went running to her

it was so bad Emma's car was small a massive land rover had crashed into her right at the front their was no one in the land rover an I went running to Emma " Emma!! " I screamed but she had passed out I looked at her she had pieces of glass sticking out of her hair an their was blood running down her face she had a massive red bruise on her jaw an she had some glass in her perfect skin her hair was all over her an her phone was dropped in her lap she was so pale " fuck how what are we going to do?! " I screamed we couldn't open the door or get her out it would just be worse then we heard sirens

I stepped back an looked at everything again Emma's car was smashed their was glass everywhere their. was smoke coming from her engine her air bag was out she had bruising on her neck where her seatbelt was but where is the other person who crashed into her am sure they would be hurt too I looked at Jordan an saw he was taking pictures of everything an I mean everything right now he was taking pictures of Emma their was nothing that we could do to help her

an ambulance came followed by two police cars they went over to the car an tried opening the door so they could get her out and onto the wretched but they couldn't it was jammed one of them claimed onto the car an looked trough the broken windshield to see if he could get her out " no we can't she's stuck where going to have to call the fire department the police went of an told them trough the radio

the ambulance people well one climbed in next to her an checked her with out moving her " she's still breathing she's passed out " he said an officer had came over to us " I would like to ask you boys some questions an I would like your answers honest to help so we know what happened and know what were dealing with " he said we nodded

" did you whiteness the crash? " " no sir " " so how and why are you here an could you also tell us her name and address if you know it " " her name is Emma she called me when I was at home telling me she has had a car crash an asked for me to help her she told me where she was an I came as soon as possible " I said an I had told him her address an mine an our names " an what is your relationship with Emma? " he questioned I thought about it if I said I was a friend they wouldn't let me stay with her " am her boyfriend " I said in a rush he nodded

the officer had walked away an their was a fire engine they got out with a lot of tools an speed walked to the car they had opened the door an stepped back to let the paramedics do their job they had put her onto a stretcher " is anyone going to come in the ambulance? " one of them asked " yh her boyfriend is " the officer said an nodded for me to go " follow the ambulance an scratch my car your dead " I said passing the keys an going into the ambulance

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