chapter 21*

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Spencer , Zac , Andrew , james and harry

it was Monday morning which ment school I had no sleep at all last night all I did was toss an turn " Em get up you don't want to be late an where's Maria she's normally here at this time? " I ignored her but I got out of bed

James had arrived an Rachel had forced me to eat my breakfast I got in his car " you okay? "

" yep just have to get this day over with " I said with a sigh an with that we headed off we got into the parking lot only to be stared at well normally they do this but now they were staring at james he went round an opened my door for me " Harry's by the front " I whispered in his ear he nodded his head an smilled at m

" let's go my lady " he held out his hand which I took because of last nights tossing an turning my sides were sore an hurt so much  I took his hand I looked up to be met with beautiful blue eyes staring at me he had his jaw clenched an his hands tight in a fist he saw me looking an walked off " he seems nice a anyways what did you tell him that made him so angry at you? " I then told him how I broke it off with him Harry had joined us an had listened in

" but Maria did dare me so I wasn't lying " I said defensively " I knew you can be a bitch but that wow " Harry said so I slapped him I got along with all my members they are like a family to me

I went with them to get their timetables which was actually pointless because being in a gang had its perks an they had every single lesson with me an I did the same for jake an Maria

i walked in with james an Harry by my side all the girls gushed over them I looked around for Maria but she wasn't here which just made me feel so much more guilty " Emma why are you " I cut her off " shut up " an with that I walked to my seat I was not in the mood for anyone today

I pulled out my earphones whilst they introduced them selves an sat down I just blocked everyone out

William fryed to talk to me ani ignored him doesn't he get it I turned my volume higher am sure the whole class could hear it

soon bell went an it was time for English I dreaded it so much all them lot are going to be their but its good because then I can see if my lot have become friends with them I walked in an sat down I saw Spencer talking to jake but they went quite as soon as I walked in

" Em "  Jordan said " what? " I asked coldly he looked hurt " what's up your ignoring us why? " " because why don't you ask someone " I thought he was going to ask james I mean come on but to my dismay he asked Jake shit " Jake why is Em ignoring us " " why don't you ask her " he replied look straight at me

" are you being serious " William mumbled " I have an idea why don't we all shut up so I can listen to my music " I said an turned around five minutes had passed an William called me once again asking what's up

" fuck off " I said coldly I got my bag an just walked out " Emma get back " I cut her of before she could finish " an you fuck off too " I screamed james an harry won't walk out or people would just get curious so I was alone thank god well that was till my phone went off

I answered it not looking at the caller which I should have done " Emma what the fuck have you done to Maria she's been crying none stop she finally fell asleep what the fuck did you o to her that made her so broken? " Connor screamed trough the phone

all that because of me I broke her I made her like that I a the reason for her being like that and normally I would be with maria comforting her but am the fucking reason she's like that " I don't know " I whispered an hung up

but it was for her own safety I tried telling my self but failed safe from what? a gang smaller than me? but they could kill her I just sighed life just perfect I then got a cigarette out an went outside to smoke

hope you enjoyed that chapter an as always thanks for reading

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