Chapter 38

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I got forced to driver with jake ' I don't want to go ' I whined for the tenth time 'well guess what baby girl you are' jake replied with a smirk on his face there is No way I an going in

'Em get out of the car' jake said seriously I shook my head 'if you try to carry me out I promise I will hurt you so bad' he then attempted key word is attempted to pick me up an take me out but I kicked him in his crotch 'fuck fuck' he said in pain I did warn him

'That's it' an with that he pulled out his phone an called someone 'she will not get out of the car an she just kicked me well will you hurry' an with that he hung up 'Baby girl get out why don't you want to go all of a sudden?' He questioned

'Why do you want to go normally you would agree with me' he chucked at my response an pointed at my neck ' I want them to know that your mine' he said smirking

Maria emerged out of nowhere 'en get out of the stupid car right now look you made us late' she complained 'why? Can't we just go McDonald's instead?' I whined ' no we are going to get an education end off ' she said sternly an with that she pulled out her phone too

What so that are going to call people to deal with me instead? 'Mark would like to speak to you' maria said with an evil glint in her eye ' Emma get out of the car this instant an get your ass into that school now' his voice held so much power that I felt obliged to do what he said 'fine' I huffed out an hanged up on him passing Maria her phone back

I put my arms up an jake understood what I meant he scooped me up in his arms ' yanno that kick hurt' he said whilst walking into school 'will a kiss make it up for you?' I asked he shook his head 'something more than a kiss' he replied 'what another kick? Of course' excitement want trough me he quickly held my leg 'I kiss will be fine'

'Why are you so late?' The teacher boomed jake ignored her an sat in his place with me sat in his lap every single girl was staring or glaring 'What?' I screamed they all quickly looked down 'hmm so are you going to be grumpy today? What happened to being you was happy in the morning?' He questioned

'Didn't she tell you? She's got lady issues she gets bad cramps an the worst mood swing ever so I advise you to be stocked up on chocolates,Pepsi and apple juice' I glared at Maria 'hey just giving him a heads up before you go all hulk on his ass' Maria defended herself 'haha' I mumbled under my breath

Jake kissed my neck I felt his hot breath on my ear 'is it odd that,that just turned me on?' I pushed his face away an huffed

It was time for English an I hated it news about me and jake had gone round surprisingly the queen bee wasn't any where to be seen

'Jordan!!' I screamed running to him ' how are you haven't seen you for a while really missed us mate' I hugged him 'you saw me today morning' he said pulling away from the hug

'Hey an I can't miss you? An you too William' I said moving on to the next person 'an yo- teacher?' She seriously appeared out of nowhere maybe she's a magician owww

I quickly sat in my place I could feel the cramp about to happen an it did I clutched onto my stomach this was the worst thing ever maybe o shouldn't of drank that Pepsi

'You look pale baby girl' jake said whispering in my ear ' nah am fine it's just my stomach ' I said hiding my pain


Soon it was lunch time an my appetite had totally gone from all them cramps I had a slice of pizza in front of me I hadn't touched it

'Em your ganna have to eat or you will be worse' Maria said realising that I hadn't are yet I shook my head 'am not hungry' I mumbled 'your going to have to eat weather you like it or not' Jordan spoke

I huffed 'baby girl' jake getting my attention he held up a wispa chocolate bar not one but 5 'eat your lunch an I will give you all of them' how did he know I crave them? Maria must of told him

He held up my pizza 'open' I opened my mouth an he fed me pizza 'can I have the chocolate now?' I asked after finishing my pizza I looked up an saw Jordan eating one of my  chocolate 'Jordan!' He froze from the sudden outburst 'you ate the chocolate' i whined

Then I realised their were more 'anyways Jake' I mumbled he chuckled an passed me one


School had ended an I decided that it was time to go to the gym I left the rest at home so I could work out properly

I made my way to the ring an got in Ben had signed me up an it was a minor he was easy I collected my £100 an got off I bumped into someone 'erm am sorry' he said it was .... 'Hey you did really good up there' he said nervously rubbing his neck 'I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date?' He asked

'Am sorry am actually dating someone' he looked hurt 'oh well sorry bye' he replied I stopped him 'you can come over I mean we can be friends right?' He nodded

Yes this story is coming to an end an idk how to end it ugh

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