chapter 9

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Jakes  POV  of the fight

Emma was screaming like a lunatic running down the corridors am surprised no teachers came out to see what was going on she had made it to the class before me an I heard her say something an smirked at me when I came hmmm I wonder what that was about " jake can you please see me after class " an that was when Emma's smirk just went bigger like she had something to do with it she probably did

The last ten minutes of science I looked back at Emma to see what she was doing she was staring of into space with her earphones in you could hear the beat of the song am surprised she hasn't gone deaf or the teacher hasn't heard an I just jinxed the moment

The science teacher stormed up to Emma an pulled out her ear phones  " excuse me where you listening to me " she said angrily " how dare you listen to music whilst am teaching " " well how dare you teach whilst am listening to music " Emma smirked at her  " get out now" she screamed " my pleasure " she said an bowed her head an with that she was out of the class room

Their 5 minutes left of the lesson and we were going though our worksheets that was until bell went I was the first on out of the door it was that boring I heard Emma's voice from down the hall " let go of him " I heard her say an I went running to see if she was okay   " an who are you? " " your worst nightmare " she  replied deadly serious " now let go of him or else "  " or else what ? You going to call your boyfriend to save you ? Run along " " or else this "

an with that she had punched him square in the jaw an punched him in the nose she looked so pissed  she punched him in the gut nocking his air out an he fell to the floor she bent down an pulled him by his hair so he was looking up at her  " if I ever hear you bullying someone than this will be ten times worse " than she let go of him leaving him on the floor  she helped the boy up an he thanked her an went somewhere " your a bitch you fucking know that " he said blood dripping from his nose    " yep I do  " she replied

I looked over at William he was closest to her an mouthed to him to bring her outside we had all made it out an William was still bringing her " try not to say anything that will make her flip because than it would be world war 3 " maria said warningly an then Emma appeared she looks so hot when she's angry shit that's off topic

" we all saw the fight " maria was the first to speak her fighting reminded me of someone put I couldn't put my finger on who than I realised I was staring she put her Hands trough her hair messing it up a little but fuck she looked so hot their was this long silence

" babbeh " Becky came running  towards towards me an hugged me I just shrugged her off " babe what's wrong are you okay? She better not have done something " she said pointing at Emma" she has a fucking name " she took a step closer to her Emma looked so angry like she was going to kill someone " an what would I have done to him?  " she took another step " maybe that annoying voice of yours has given him a headache because I sure do have one " she stopped when she was right in front of her she stayed quite " though so " she pushed her back into me  an walked off " leave her she'll just get even more angry if you go after her " Maria said an Becky just stormed of into another direction

I know maria said leave her but I did the total opposite I went after her an maria said nothing I went round the back an saw her with her eyes closed sitting on the wall looking so calm like that day when she was asleep next to me I saw her hand hanging loosely an saw that she was smoking I would of told her off because smoking is bad I don't want her to die because she smoked when she was younger but I didn't I didn't want to anger her when she looked so peaceful I stepped closer to her an stopped when I was in front of her she opened her eyes looking taken back at first like she wasn't expecting me then her face tuned blank she showed no emotional at all

" you okay? " I  asked cautiously I didn't want to push the wrong buttons an get her started  again " am fine " she said blankly I sat down next to her on the wall  " what was that all about ? " i asked " nothing " she said " you sure because beating a jock up an having a go at Becky was nothing " i said  " yep it was nothing so just drop it " venom dripped from her  words an wow was I hurt I tried not to show it though I thought she would at least tell me but its not like am her bestfriend that she would of told me we have know each other for nearly  2 weeks

I just stared at her why does she do t? Once we finally get some where she's pushes me away to start from the bottom she jumped off the wall an walked off I walked behind her bell had gone so everyone was coming out of school she put one leg around her bike an she looked around she put her helmet on did one last look an drove off I just stared at the place she was before I had to figure the girl out an why does she keep pushing me away like that ugh she's so frustrating

Hope you guys enjoyed that an am not promoting people to smoke smoking is bad for you am sure you guys have been thought that in school so am not going to give you guys a massive lecture but don't start smoking it might make you look cool now but in the future when your older you will regret it I promise you that

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