Chapter 37

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My head was throbbing I felt arms around my waist I groaned out at the brightness 'my head' I groaned

'There's some medicine in my bag hurry' he mumbled half asleep I got up an a wave a sickness went over me I unzipped the tent as fast as i could an ran to some bushes

Half way trough puking my guts out I felt a hand rub agains my back I turned around an Jake stood there holding some medicine and water out for me I quickly took it I pecked his cheek thanking him

Then I heard someone else puking an that's when I saw Maria with Connor right by her 'you girls shouldn't of secretly got drunk' Connor said loud enough for me to here 'an you should really shut up before I rip you head off ' venom dripped from my tone 'hey don't get your anger out on my boyfriend' Maria defended him I glared at her

'Come on jake we are going back to sleep' I got comfortable by jake an let the darkness consume me


We had made it back to the hotel an were sitting in the meeting room with everyone I was glaring at the wall I had a headache 'what's gotten her so grumpy?'

Mark questioned an then I glared at Mark 'ms grumpy decided on getting drunk last night with Maria but someone still had their hangover an are being grumpy' jake replied I turned my head to look at him an raised my eyebrow he put his hands up in surrender

I went to my room jake following behind me 'am sorry ' he had been saying this for the last 10 minutes 'shut up' I whined 'let me sleep'

'So you forgive me' he asked 'if it makes you shut up then yes' I mumbled he pecked my lips 'hey that wasn't a proper kiss' I whined

Jake kissed me with so much passion I got lost in his kiss my hands traveling all around his body he started trailing hot kisses on my neck 'jake' I moaned out as he kissed a soft spot I was going trough to much pleasure to realise jake was making hickeys I pushed him back his eyes snapped up at me

He was confused 'we have to go back to school an your leaving hickeys on me' he smirked 'good now they know that your mine an if they lay an eye on you am personally going to kill them'

'I never took you as the possessive type' I replied he just kissed me in response


Soon we were all back at my house we had decided at the meeting that it was best for them if they stayed here an sent to school from here seen as though their parents were on holiday an weren't planning on coming back soon

I had showered an came out of the bathroom in my underwear not wanting to take a damp towel all the way to my wardrobe jake was sat on my bed he looked up as soon as he heard the door an he wolf whistled

'Shut up' I groaned 'it's not my fault that my girls hot' warmth spread trough my body when he said my girl a smile made its way on to my face I went over to him an kissed him things were getting heated until the door flung open

'Emma can you- ' William was cut off seeing the position we were in he didn't look away form my body 'dude get out now' jake screamed I stayed frozen in the same spot not knowing what to do

'Oh what's happening in there?' I heard another voice 'no do not-' it was hopeless Connor,Maria and Jordan had barged in I felt my face going red 'get the fuck out!' I screamed an quickly hiding my body

'We all just cock-blocked jake' William said still stood by the door 'will you guys get the fuck out like now' Maria was the first to leave followed by the rest they shut the door an just when I tough they were gone Maria opened the door 'don't forget to use protection I don't want to be an auntie just yet' an with that she quickly closed the door

I could hear them snickering behind it 'they all saw me practically naked' I groaned I rolled out of the bed 'what? Where are you going?' Jake questioned 'to get changed for school unless you want the whole school to see me like this too' I huffed 'now hurry '

I went in an pulled out some high waisted jeans an a white top that was on the floor it was big for her but it complimented her outfit jake had walked out of the bathroom when I was putting on some wedged ankle boots 'hot dam don't you look fine especially with my top an them hickeys on full view' I felt my self blush 'shut up an tie these' I said standing up

He bent down in front of me an tied the laces for me 'thanks' I said with a smile he nodded his head 'now am hungry an I want to see what mess they have made in you kitchen' jake said an put me over his shoulder I would of kicked off but I didn't want to climb down the steps

An a plus I had a great view of his ass once we reach the bottom floor I smacked it 'what was that?' He said stopping dead in his tracks 'you have a nice ass?' I replied he then smacked my ass an continued walking 'you know all I have to do is turn my head an I could bite your ass' he said entering the kitchen

All eyes were on him 'that was disgusting man you could of said that up there' I recognised the voice as Jordan's 'can you put me down I can feel all the blood rushing to my head' I then got placed on the ground I fell forward from the dizziness

Hope you all enjoyed reading this an as always thanks for reading

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