chapter 13

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I have no idea on what the title should be

we all came back to mine because they had their cars their " Em you okay? " Maria asked I just nodded my head an kept a blank look on my face an with that we all got out it had been 20 minutes an everyone was on their phones I certainly was bored " am boreddd " I whined jake glanced up at me an smirked " do you guys want anything to eat? " Rachel asked I looked up at her she was standing in the door way with a smile on her face

" thanks for the offer Rachel but no " Maria said Rachel nodded her head an went out " what? I want food " I said " you will get not just yet though " I raised my eyebrow at her " we all are going shopping " she screamed I just huffed " no we are going shopping because you went to the gym now get ready whilst I call Connor " Maria said seriously an the boys just chuckled " you guys are coming tooo " Maria said " no we are not we erm... " William said rubbing his neck " need to go somewhere " jake said " yh we need to go somewhere " William agreed with jake Maria raised a eyebrow an I just smirked " cut the bull shit if I am being forced to go you guys are to " I said seriously an went up to get changed before I could hear their protests

I put some acid wash skinnie jeans a white top an my black leather jacket an my vans an went down Connor was already their an Maria was smirking guess she got the boys to go yes Jordwe an didn't seem to care that much " chop chop let's go let's get this over with " I said in a high pitched voice Maria just looked at me an rolled her eyes we all headed out an I said bye to Rachel an got in Jakes car he was driving an I sat at the front he turned the radio on an Shawn mendes - stitches was playing " omg I love this song turn it up turn it up " Maria screamed I got to a it I loved the song too I turned it up an Maria started singing along me an Maria could sing but I was better than Maria at singing no am not trying to sound obnoxious its true we even went to singing classes together when we were younger theirs a lot that you don't know about me but I didn't sing along I sang in my head I don't know why

we had arrived at the shopping mall which was massive Jake had parked an went round an opened my door I got out confused that was the first time someone held a car door open for me an jake just smiled an we went in Maria an Connor were at the front whilst me jake William an Jordan just trailed behind them we had been to a few shops an so far I had 3 tops some jeans some shoes an a snapback I was holding four bags just stuffed some things together in the same bag whilst Maria made Connor hold all 8 of hers well he actually offered the boys had brought some shoes an a snapback we went into a guys shop because William was asking their was this really nice leather jacket even though it was for guys I still brought it I liked it a lot an I was smiling like an idiot

" am hungry let's find somewhere to eat " jake said an we all agreed at the end we all agreed on pizza hut an got pizza obviously we were all having a laugh until Taylor came out of no where " hi " he said maria looked up an started chocking out of shock an Connor patted her back " Erm hi what are you doing here ? " I questioned him " don't worry am not stalking you am here with my sister she begged me to take her an I wanted something to eat so here I am " he said shyly rubbing his neck he looked so hot doing that I didn't realise I was staring at him until jake introduced himself " hi am jake you? " jake asked sounding irratated but still put a smile on his face " hi am Taylor " jake clenched an unclenched his jaw " her ex?? " he questioned " erm yh " Taylor said rubbing his neck " well it was nice seeing you Emma I have to go bye " Taylor said an I nodded " what a dick " jake said I just hit his chest " he's hot an cute I might just date him again " I said

" hmm Emma dating her ex like that's ever ganna happen " Maria said I just smirked " you know it might " I said an Maria just smiled " sure sure what ever you say " Maria said an I hit her " my god your so violent " Maria said whilst rubbing her arm I just smiled an carried on eating we where about to go until Maria stopped us " I need pads " Maria said casually " well we will be waiting in the car " jake said Maria just glared at him " I have your keys an am buying them not you now come on " Maria said seriously so we all followed her I got my phone out an texted Maria * take extra long * she pulled out her phone an smirked at me " hmm which ones should I buy these ones or these or maybe these " maria repeat for the third time an the boys just groaned " just take these " Jordan said irritatedly holding up a pack Maria shook her head " no them ones aren't comfortable " she said seriously I was holding in my laugh " babe you always buy these just buy them " Connor said Maria looked at him for five minutes " okay " she said an kissed him " thank god " William said " Emma do you need some ? " she questioned an all eyes were on me " nope I think the boys have been through enough torture " I said with a smirk she went to pay an we all went to the car

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